it's 2:30am and I really have to pee but my bed is too comfortable

and also

I don't know when I'll start that new story I told y'all about but I'll start it eventually

haha I was about to say I would try to have it up before the new year but I realized it's in less than a week and I'm the queen of procrastination

I hope no one I know irl finds this account except the people that I told them about my account a.k.a Taidana_Senpai

cuz I loovvvee yaaaa beeeesssst freeennn

also my anger got really bad today and I literally made a dent in the wall because ya know anger

I'm trash

that's all I am

just trash

really ugly trash that would like to start a band someday and be able to tell fans that they matter through music and stuff cuz hey I've always wanted to make music but lol no my singing skills are terrible (why the fuck am I still in choir) and plus I told my mum my idea *mcr emo tears cuz it's not a band it's an idea* and she literally laughed in my face and said I would never get in the music business and just made me feel like shit

also since we're in this topic already I would like to talk more about it cuz I don't think I've told anyone about my dream to have a career in the musical industry (did I use that correctly idk I haven't slept much) I've always wanted to make music but I never really wanted to be a solo artist so I decided I wanted to have a band but that was 4 year old mena's thoughts so I figured out it wasn't easy to get famous when I was around 8 and I remember I told my therapist about my plans to have a band and she said it was just that I wanted to be famous and have money but I didn't really want money I just wanted to help people cuz I remember seeing my sister sad and then get happy when she listened to music so I wanted to make people happy like that with MY music but everyone wanted to be famous in 4th grade so I left that alone for a while cuz I didn't want to have the same dream as everyone so I focused on Harry Potter and books and gained the name "nerd" in elementary school so yep but then I was singing once while making eggs and my sister was like "wow you have a nice voice you could be a child star" but no my singing is terrible cuz like recordings never lie so I still want to be in a famous band not for the fame and the glory and such cuz I know having people fangirl in your presence can be tiring but I want to be famous cuz that's the only way my message will get to the whole world instead of just a small town following cuz I want to help EVERYONE not just a few thousand people and the reason I'm coming back to this idea is because I recently sang in front of my friend without noticing and yep there goes the compliments on my singing again cuz people somehow think I can sing nicely but I think that's just cuz they've heard either really shitty singing or really nice singing so I'm just here a smol trash can that can't sing and they decided to fucking tell me I should consider a musical career and that just brought back the memories of wanting to have a band.

oh whale

goodnight my little mushrooms :)

jesus fucking christ it's 3:00am

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