Her Beta Prologue:

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"Woohoo! Go Kat!" The drunk blonde screamed to her best friend as she drunkenly danced on the bar counter.

"Allison get your blonde ass up here and dance with me!" Kat screamed back at her best friend. Allison laughed and climbed up onto the bar counter with the help of Kat. They laughed, danced, and drank to the music blasting through the whole bar. The two drunk girls began to sing along with the song, though slightly off-key, until Kat lost her footing and fell off of the slippery, alcohol soaked bar counter. Instead of hitting the ground like she thought she would, she landed in the arms of an intimidating, yet highly attractive man.

"Hello there." The man spoke in a deep voice, causing Kat to involuntarily shiver pleasantly. He smiled at the action, happy that he was having such an effect on her.

"Hi, I'm drunk." Kat replied stupidly causing the man to chuckle at her. "My name is Katherine Danes." Kat slurred still drunk.

"I am Nathaniel Lacrus." He replied smiling at the drunk woman he still held in his arms. He could feel the sparks dancing between them every place their skin made contact. He knew without a doubt that she was all his, but she was drunk and he was worried about her not realizing who they were to each other.

Kat wiggled her way out of Nathaniel's arms and began to pull him by the hand to a secluded area of the bar. When they reached the women's restroom, Kat pulled him inside and locked the door behind them. She pulled him by his neck to her level. Nathaniel was surprised by Kat's actions, but he couldn't stop himself from giving in and kissing her back with passion, despite that he didn't want to take advantage of Kat while she was drunk. He pulled Kat closer to him by her waist, loving that she fit so perfectly against him.

Nathaniel moved Kat back until she ran into the bathroom sink. He lifted her by her waist up onto the surprisingly clean bathroom counter, not once breaking the heated kiss between them. She pulled him closer to her, yet she still didn't feel that they were close enough. She needed him to be closer. She began to undo his shirt buttons, until he stopped her.

"Kat, you can't do that. We can't do that here." Nathaniel spoke out of breath as he backed up. Kat didn't like that he was backing up when everything inside of her needed him to get closer.

"Then do you think you can drive me home? I believe I'm too drunk to drive myself." Kat slurred out of breath as she hopped down off of the counter. Nathaniel nodded his head before grabbing her hand and leading her out into the night air and to her car. They both climbed in and Nathaniel silently drove Kat home. "This is my house." Kat replied when they drove up her driveway and parked.

Nathaniel walked Kat up to her door intending to only drop her off at her door and leave. Kat knew that Nathaniel would leave as soon as she was safely to her door and inside her house, so she faked being even more drunk than before. She stumbled up the stairs and to the front door. Nathaniel became worried and immediately began to help her through her front door, up her stairs, and to her bedroom. Nathaniel began to pull away from her once he had set Kat down onto her bed, but Kat immediately pulled him back to her. She kissed him as passionately as she could, hoping it would keep him with her.

Nathaniel couldn't pull away from Kat even if he wanted to, he was too weak to his desire for her. He realized what she'd done after it was too late to stop it from happening. Nathaniel laid Kat down on her bed and began to trail kisses down her neck causing a quiet moan to escape her throat. It drove Nathaniel even further in his desire and before either of them could blink, their clothes were on the floor.


Kat woke to the sun in her eyes, all her clothes scattered on the floor, an ache in a very private area, and a note addressed to her. She looked over to the note and read it carefully, vividly remembering the way that last night's events felt.

Dear Kat,

I'm sorry to leave you before you've even awakened, but my men needed me to bring them home. I also had some other business to attend to. I will see you as soon as I am finished with it all. Know that last night was the most amazing night of my life and I hope to repeat it soon. You are quite amazing, I can't wait to see you again, my precious wolf.



"Oh my gosh, this can't be happening." Kat said as she slid to the floor of Allison's bathroom. Allison immediately walked into the bathroom looking at her best friend with confusion and worry.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Allison asked as she looked at Kat.

"I'm pregnant. I had a drunk, one-night-stand with an extremely hot guy weeks ago, and now I am pregnant." Kat answered.

"But isn't he your mate? Why is that so bad?"

"He is my mate, and my wolf yearns for him every day, but he knew me as a carefree, seductive drunk. What if he doesn't like me sober? I won't take that chance, nor will I put my child through that pain." Kat answered getting up. She took a deep breath and looked at her best friend. "But I'm going to do this alone. You have your mate here, you're expecting, and I refuse to take that away from you. I'll figure it out on my own. So this is good-bye my dear friend." Kat said hugging Allison. She left the bathroom to pack her things for her journey.


Before you start the rest of this story, I would like to ask everyone a favor.
I have been receiving so many negative comments about one of my characters - the mom - because of her actions, and it makes me so upset. You see a 'selfish', 'hypocrite', 'cowardly', 'poor excuse of a mother' - the list goes on.
But you have to understand that I wrote this character, and I put my heart into all of my characters. You are insulting someone I've created and care about, so please if you don't like her, please keep it to yourself.
It hurts to know that you don't see her as the strong, SCARED mother that didn't know what to do, so did what she thought was best for her and her child even though it hurts every day.
And allow me to ask you this: What would you do if you got overly intoxicated and slept with someone you didn't know anything about and ended up pregnant? Tell me you wouldn't be terrified and worried that you couldn't handle it. Now look at the mom, and see that she didn't give up her child even though she was TERRIFIED.
So PLEASE, don't comment negatively on the mom anymore. I want to cry when I see them, and it makes me not want to share anything I write because you won't look past the surface.

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