From Bad to Worse: Her Beta Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

I looked around myself disoriented. I was in some kind of dark room, laying on a cot of sorts with a blanket over top of me. As I sat up, I placed a hand against the side of my head and squeezed my eyes shut. It was when I reopened my eyes that I noticed that there was a chair sat near the end of the bed. A chair that was occupied by a bulky man that I wished I could get away from.

"Oh, you're awake. I was so worried that that moron had hurt you too badly that you might not wake up. I am so relieved that you are finally awake, my little girl. And you never have to worry, that moron whom grabbed you and jumped out a third floor window has been dealt with. He will never have a chance to hurt you again." The delusional rouge whom my mother and I had been running from for thirteen years said as he moved from the chair he had been in to on the cot with me.

"Where's my mom?" I asked terrified. I was hoping that she had not been taken with me. I was hoping that she was in my father's arms safely.

"Your mother is being held by a brute. My men could not get her before he grabbed her and took her away somewhere we can't find, for now. But don't you worry, we will get your mother soon enough. And then we will all be a perfect family." He responded with a smile. I nodded my head hoping he would leave the cot soon.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked still afraid.

"I've been watching over you for almost four days now. You were badly hurt when that idiot jumped, so you've been out for almost four days." He answered running his hand down my cheek. I felt disgusted by his touch because he was not my father and he would never be. But I tried my hardest to make sure that I didn't flinch so that he wouldn't hurt me.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"We're home, finally. I have brought you home, little girl." He answered with a smile. He was happy about his answer, but it only made me want to cry. This is not my home, and it never would be. "I'm going to leave you to rest a little more, and then I will bring you to meet the boy I think will be perfect for you. Don't worry about a thing." He spoke before he got up and left the room I was in.

So my mom was safe, which was perfect. At least I didn't have to worry about her being in danger as well since she was safely in my dad's arms like I'd hoped. I was scared to know what the pack would look like now if it was even still standing at all. But I was terrified about what that delusional rouge had said more. He was going to come back here to get me so that I could meet someone that he deemed to be worthy of me. He was choosing whom I was to be with despite that this guy would not be my mate, and I didn't think that this guy was worthy of me.

I carefully got off of the cot and walked to a window that had been illuminated when he had made his exit. I pulled the curtains a little ways away from the window and peered out to see that it was a first floor room next to a thick forest. The forest looked similar to the one back in my dad's pack, but I wasn't given long enough to analyze it enough to tell. The delusional rouge walked through the door again and beckoned me to come to him.

Afraid that he may hurt me, I walked to him and let him take my hand. He pulled me from the house, and he began to bring me to a house about two stories high. He let himself in and pulled me after him into the house. I was beyond terrified about the unknown that was to come.

We walked into a large open room that could have been a living room if there were any couches and tables in it, but the room didn't contain anything other than a male wolf about a year or two older than me standing in the middle of it. The male looked at the delusional wolf that still held my hand in his as if he were a despicable bug. He looked less then satisfied at the wolf before his eyes moved to me and a whole new expression appeared across his face.

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