Marked: Her Beta Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Oliver just stared at me in shock. I didn't know how to deal with the look as I'd never felt anything like it with anyone else. My nerves began to shoot through me rapidly causing my heart to race, my breaths to shorten ever so slightly, and my bottom lip to fall between my teeth. Oliver hadn't moved since the words had left my lips and I was becoming scared that he didn't feel the same for me.

I was about to pull away and out of his arms to run and hide away so that I could cry in peace when I was suddenly laying down on the bed with Oliver kneeling over me. My eyes were wide as I stared up at him. The look in his eyes showed that he was in awe of what I'd said.

"That's the best thing that I have ever heard in my entire life." Oliver whispered as his eyes flicked between mine. I could feel my body begin to relax. "I wasn't ever gonna let you leave without a fight, but now there's no way I'll ever let you leave. I'll lock you up in this room if you ever think about it."

My body had relaxed completely under him as he stated his undeniable claim over me verbally. A smile was slowly crawling over my lips as he'd spoke, but the minute the last word left his lips, my lips were against his again as the mate bond sent powerful electricity between the two of us. Oliver responded immediately to the kiss, completely taking over from my instigation.

We broke apart for air, panting heavily as our eyes slowly opened to gaze into the others. Oliver leaned in as he began to place electrically charged kisses across my jaw and down my neck. I couldn't breathe steadily with him kissing me, I could feel the animal inside of me push to be marked as Oliver's.

Oliver continued to kiss one particular place between my neck and my collarbone, knowing that that was the place that he would place his claiming mark. I placed my hands against his chest and pushed slightly until he moved up away from my neck. I lightly pushed Oliver over onto his back as I began to straddle him. I lightly pecked his lips before doing the same to him. I placed light butterfly-wing soft kisses across his angular jaw and down his warm neck slowly. I could hear his breath hitch as his hands moved to hold my waist and his pulse picked up, the slight thump of his pulse beating quickly against my lips as I kissed his neck.

I moved down to the exact spot that I knew would hold my claiming mark on him and where his would lay upon me. I didn't hesitate before pushing my sharpened canines into his skin. The hiss of slight pain slipped from Oliver's lips as his hands tightened their grip upon my waist. But I could feel as the bite became more pleasant for him, the pleased groan slipping airily through his lips. I moved my mouth away from his neck, sitting up slightly to move my hair to one side before Oliver flipped us back over to our original position on the bed. I tilted my head up more to show him what I wanted. It took less than a second for him to bite into my neck as I had done to him.

The pain was there as I'd expected after hearing Oliver when I'd bitten him, but it soon became hyperly sensitive to pleasurable electricity from Oliver. An airy moan leaving my lips before Oliver pulled back to look at me. "I know that I want to be with you, and I'm not going to wait for someone to attack us to realize that they could hurt you by claiming me as you are only meant to." I whispered airily as I looked into his bright eyes. He just smiled lightly at me. "And I wanted to make sure those other girls know that you're not up for grabs anymore, you're mine and I will attack if they try anything." I continue honestly and determinedly. Oliver just began to laugh in response.

I just smiled back at him before placing my hand on his cheek, tracing his cheekbone with thumb. His laughter softly faded as he looked down into my eyes, a smile still on his face before he leaned down slowly and kissed me softly. My arms found their way circled around his neck as Oliver held himself off of me with his forearms. The electricity felt like a steady flow of pleasurable pinpricks as we just continued to slowly make-out on the bed.

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