The Beginning: Her Beta Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"I'm sorry it isn't some amazingly fancy meal, but it was all I could manage." My mom apologized as she handed me my bowl of beef stew. She was always worrying about what she provided me with. She was always afraid that I'd just stop loving her and go off to find my birth father or something. I would never do that because I love her unconditionally and I wouldn't know where to start looking for him, my mom never actually talks about him. All I truly know about him is that he was a one night stand while she was drunk and my mom moved away before she found out she was pregnant and decided she didn't want to track him down to tell him.

"Mom, this is fine. You know I don't care if it's fancy or not. I like beef stew just fine." I replied to calm her down as I took a bite. I really didn't mind her beef stew, it was always really warm and delicious. "Besides, fancy food is always so tiny and everyone knows that that's not even filling in the slightest. Especially to a growing wolf like me." I joked to make her feel better. I knew it worked when she smiled at me as she chuckled and shook her head.

"How did I get so lucky?" She asked smiling at me.

"You got drunk and had a one night stand with a guy." I said with a smile. My mom chuckled again at that. She walked out of my room after that. I looked back down at my phone hoping to get a text from Elliot, my best friend.

When Elliot finally texted me back, I jumped at the opportunity to interrogate him. He had been acting weird all week at school until he didn't show up yesterday and ignored all my questions today when he was back for the final day before break. And if there's one thing you have to understand about my best friend, it's that he never just shuts up for no reason.

'Tell me what is going on with you, NOW! You were uncharacteristically quiet all this past week, you were gone all day yesterday, and you showed up at school today like nothing happened. So spill.' I texted him furiously.

'Well, I sorta, kinda, completely met my mate two days ago, so we skipped school and hung out all yesterday.' He texted back.

'OMGosh! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! Hot or not? Scale?'

'Thanks, Lilith. Definitely. He breaks the Hotness Scale in my opinion.' He sent back with a winking character. I couldn't help smiling and chuckling about that.

I was extremely happy for Elliot. He had finally found his mate, the one person who wouldn't judge him for being a gay transgender boy with a male wolf. I knew it was hard for him sometimes, but now he has the one being that would love him to the moon and back.

'He may have also kissed me yesterday when he took me on our first date.' Elliot's message read on my phone's screen.

'WHAT?! How could you just forget to mention that crucial detail?!' I replied back quickly.

'I didn't forget. I just didn't know how you'd react if I told you. You did say that you were planning on interrogating my mate once I met him.' He replied.

'Hey, we were seven and in a long distance friendship. What did you expect? I just wanted to make sure that he was perfect enough for you. Hey, I gotta go. My mom is calling for me. Bye!' I replied as my mom called out for me.

I got off of my bed and made my way out of my room. I found my mom sitting in the living room wringing her hands together. She only ever did that when she was nervous about something. But what did my mom have to worry about? We had just moved into the house a week ago, so it wasn't that we needed to move again.

"What's up mom?" I ask her as I tilt my head to the side confused.

"I did something, or at least I planned to do something. I'm just worried about what you'll think when I tell you what I did." She said nervously. I just looked at her even more confused. What could my mom do that would cause her to worry so much about my reaction? "There has been this customer at my store that always comes in and talks to me. And well, he's a very handsome, single man and he asked me out on a date for tomorrow." She hesitantly told me.

My heart sped up as I looked at my mom. I couldn't say that I was happy for her because I wasn't. I had hoped that one day my mom would finally talk to my birth father and maybe sparks would fly between them. I hoped that I would actually get to meet my birth father before I met any other man that tried to act like my father. If this man my mom was going out with tomorrow was her mate, then she would have told me straight out meaning that this man wasn't. I just didn't know how to feel about my mom dating some man that wasn't her destined or my birth father because there was no reason to be with anyone else.

"Wow, have fun tomorrow." I said before rushing back to my room. I couldn't deal with this right now. I was too confused on how I felt about it all. I wanted my mom to be happy, but I wanted her to do as she had always told me to do, wait for her mate since she didn't seem keen on tracking down my father. I didn't want there to be double standards for us. I could hear my mom get up from the couch and begin to walk to my room, but I hid in my closet and waited for her to realize I didn't feel like talking to her.

My mom stayed in my room for about five minutes before she realized I wasn't coming out until she left. Once she was out of my room, I left my closet and began to watch a movie in my room. I knew that it hurt my mom's feelings when I refused to talk to her, but I was too confused right now to truly care.

I watched a total of two movies before I got up to talk to my mom. I didn't want to go to bed angry; she had always taught me not to. I found my mom sitting in her room on her bed reading. She was reading one of her romance books, and that almost made me laugh. I lightly knocked on her door. She immediately turned to look at me with a sad smile.

"I don't like it, but you deserve to have a little fun. Just don't get drunk and sleep with anyone, I really don't want any siblings because you had another one night stand." I joked to relieve some of my nerves.

"Okay, I will have a little fun. Thank you, Lilith." She replied. She diverted her eyes from me when she responded. She was hiding something, but I didn't have the slightest clue as to what it was.

"Good night mom." I said to her as I got up and walked back to my room.

"Good night Lilith." I heard my mom whisper by the time I reached my doorway. I turned off my light and crawl into my warm bed, a light fan breeze passing over me to create a slight sound for me to sleep easier to. Within minutes, I am drifting off to a calming sleep. 


The song is from Pirates of the Caribbean, and that's what I envisioned her watching. But everyone is able to envision whatever movies they want. 

And you're all free to envision whomever you want for Lilith, but I see her as Molly Quinn (with more deep auburn hair though). 

Hope you like the story so far!! Enjoy your day!

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