Chapter 6

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I just got out of school. Instead of walking I'm driving, and instead of going home I'm making a pitstop.
Now if I can just remember. A left here? No no no, it's a right turn. I'm getting close. I look alongside the street. Anyone could guess where I'm going now.
The landscape has changed so much and my memory isn't quite as clear. Should be coming up. No it's further down. I'm getting frustrated, but finally I think I see it. Yes, there it is. I apply the brakes a bit too rough and the car jerks me forward.

Hopefully no one drives by, my car isn't parked to the side that well. When I get there I see the stone has been weathered down. The cross still looks beautiful to me. Unlike the stone, the flowers aren't  so lucky. They are wilting and dried up, lacking their pigment. Some of the buds aren't even attached to their stem anymore. Instead they lay on the ground decomposing.
Looks like they stopped caring to replant the flowers. It kinda ticks me off.
The overgrown grass makes it hard to find anything. I look through the grass and am lucky to find the rectangular glass containing an important item. My mother looks back at me through the transparent surface. She's stunning.
I take the small photo and stick it in my back pocket. I need this picture of mom. Dad doesn't have any other photos of her available. I think he has them hidden or maybe he threw them away.
Anyway, if dad is fucked up over mom's disappearance then I will find her. If I fail, my dad will completely lose his sanity and what little rational thinking he has left. Maybe I'll finally know what it's like to have a mother.

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