Chapter 14

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I wake up surrounded by Cheetos, chips, and other snacks. Some of it got stepped on and is now crushed into the carpet. I pick a piece of popcorn out of my tangled hair. We sure did make a mess and since we didn't clean it up before falling asleep, poor Damien will probably have to clean it. I look at my phone. It's 8:12, too early for me. I roll over and hug my pillow. Before I have a chance to drift off to sleep again someone whispers in my ear.

"I know you're awake."

Before I can scream a hand covers my mouth. I pry the hand off my face and turn to face the morning creeper.
"Gavin! What the hell?!" I whisper angrily.

Gavin is the early bird. He's always up at the ass crack of dawn. For a guy who stays up all night harassing an old troll he sure doesn't need a lot of sleep. Gavin grins a devil's smile. His blonde hair, which is usually spiked up in the front, is disheveled and sticks out every which way. Talk about major bed head. His turquoise colored eyes give off a glint of mischief.

"Gotcha." His smile grows bigger. I roll my eyes.

"Typical trouble maker." I tease. Now I'm grinning too. He raises an eyebrow.

"Trouble maker huh?"
He jumps on top of me and starts tickling me mercilessly. I try to get his hands away from my stomach but I'm not strong enough and I'm laughing too hard. I try to roll over to get away but it doesn't work. We wrestle around a bit longer and just as I've pulled his hood over his head I hear snickering. We both freeze.

I turn to see Libby with her phone aimed at me, Charlotte giggling beside her. They turn and look at each other.
"Olivia and Gavin sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." they sing in unison. I feel my face grow slightly warmer.

"Oh grow up. What is this, middle school?" I say and toss a pillow at them. I release Gavin and he fixes his hoodie.

"But it's adorable and I've got it on camera." Libby waves her phone as a taunt.

I lunge forward and grab for the phone but she's quicker and taller. She stands up and holds it high above her head. When I go to jump for it arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I flail around but it doesn't help.

"You can have your little video but remember I have blackmail on you too, bitches." he says with a grin.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever you say douchebag." Libby pockets her cell phone.

Just as I'm trying to escape Gavin's hold on me, my phone rings. He lets go and I answer my phone.


I listen to the woman on the other end. What I hear makes my stomach drop. Already? There's no way. I finish my call and nervously put my phone in my pocket. I sit down and there's a long silence. Gavin elbows me lightly. I sigh.

"My dad is being released. I have to pick him up on Thursday. But I have to fill out paperwork today." I inform them.

"But you're under eighteen. Why can't his parents go?" Charlotte chimes in.

"They live out of state. And I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm the one who suggested he be institutionalized. Or because I'm his daughter or maybe it's because of the night he chased me around. I just don't know." I explain.

I start to gather my things together and Libby helps.

"Text me when you get the chance." she says.

I hug her and head downstairs. I get to the living room and hear footsteps rushing towards me. I turn and see Gavin.

"You ok?" he asks.

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