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I didn't die. Somehow, by some miracle, I lived. I had a near death experience that I told the doctors about after they saved me.
I had seen nothing but white. My feet were bare, I was wearing plain white clothes, no nail polish on my fingers, nothing done with my hair. I was dull. A light appeared but just as I had reached out to it, I was jerked backwards and everything turned black.
They said these kinds of things are common.

Meanwhile my dad got in trouble and they were going to send him to prison on account of child abuse. Before dad could say a word I told them my story. I told them I had ripped myself up, that my motive was to hurt my father, and that the "monster in the mirror" told me to.

I pleaded insanity and wasn't sent to juvenile detention. Instead I've been living in this psych ward for the past eight months.
Dad visits often and sometimes he brings snacks. He told me mom's body disappeared from the freezer. We still don't know how mom got trapped in the mirrors.
Anyway, dad was coming to visit today. He said he had a surprise so I was eager as ever.

I sit here smiling and everyone is staring at me while I wait at the table. As dad walks through the door he is accompanied by someone. But this isn't just someone, it's Gavin. Just when I thought my smile couldn't get bigger.

They sit across from me and dad smiles.
"Hi dad! What's Gavin doing here?" I ask.
"I told you I had a surprise."
"I'm confused. Why would he be here. Doesn't he think I'm, you know, crazy?"

"No he doesn't. I told him."
My eyes grow wide. Why would he tell him about that?!

"What!? And he believes it!?" I exclaim.
Dad looks at Gavin.

"I umm...saw stuff when I helped you move your things to your grandma's. You dad was a little upset when he got the news you let me in the house. And it got worse when I told him I was snooping. He's over it I think."
Gavin nervously looks at my dad. I still can't believe Gavin saw her. Instead of flipping out on him I smile.

"Glad you didn't get hurt. Although you probably shouldn't have looked. She was dangerous."
He nods in agreement.

"So Liv, how've things been going?" dad asks.
"I'm slowly getting over my fear of mirrors. I looked into one for a whole fifteen seconds." I laugh a little.

"Good. Glad to hear that."
We talk for a while longer before he says they have to leave.

"Bye Liv. I love you. I'll bring you some snacks next time. Come on Gavin." dad says. I hug him and he starts walking away. Gavin starts to follow but quickly turns around.

"When you get out of here, why don't we go out?" he asks.
"Hang out? Sure, that'd be fun."

"No, not hang out. Go out on a date."
The words make my heart stop. Go out on a date? My mind runs blank. Before I make it seem like I don't want to, I answer.
"Of course! Yes!" I say enthusiastically.
He smiles.
"All right. Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then."
He turns around but stops once more.
"Oh, and one more thing."
He leans over and kisses me. My heart races a thousand miles an hour.

He smiles at me and I can feel my face go warm.
"Come on!" dad says. I hope he didn't see that.
Gavin runs off and I'm left here with the reddest face in the world and butterflies in my stomach.
Things are looking promising.

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