Chapter 15

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It's Thursday. Dad's coming home and my nerves are shot. I managed to do everything dad asked me even though it was on short notice. The house is spotless, the mirrors are safe, and the freezer is taken care of. My work better pay off. I need to know what the hell is going on. I check my watch. It's almost noon, I better get going.
I think of calling Gavin before I leave but I don't want to bother him. I push him out of my mind and focus on driving. I start the car and hope this goes well.


I stand nervously as I wait for him to walk through the white double doors and into the check out center. My mind takes me back to my house and how I ran through woods, the cold air embracing me. My adrenaline rushing and my thoughts racing.

I don't want to think of that.
I think of dad. Not the crazy one embedded in my mind, but the loving father who singlehandedly raised me since I was a little girl. He used to take me to the park every Tuesday after school and I'd always play on the swings. I'd swing so high I felt like I had wings. I feel a smile form across my face.
I'm disrupted from my thoughts when I see dad strolling through the doors escorted by two men.

He's wearing a plain white t-shirt and jeans. Nothing fancy. He smiles at me and I try my best to smile back. After filling out even more paperwork, we're able to leave. I hand him the jacket I brought for him and we head to the car.

As I drive my hands shake because I'm so nervous.

"I missed you." he says.

"I missed you too." I mumble. I keep my eyes on the road, not giving the slightest glance his way. To fill the silence I turn the radio on.
Soon enough we arrive at the house. As soon as he's in the house and the door is shut, I confront him.

"I did what you asked now I want some answers." I demand.

"Did you? Let me see then."
I sigh and sit on the couch while he checks my work. After about fifteen minutes he comes back. He can hide it all he wants but I know he's nervous by the way he plays with the zipper on his jacket.
I give him a stern look and he knows what I want. For being a big tough guy he sure doesn't seem like it at the moment. He's acting like a little kid who got in trouble at school. This was not the time to be hiding things from me.
"Dad. Come on, tell me." I'm getting impatient and frustrated.

"Let me go get-"

"No, now. You tell me right now."
He starts walking off.
"We'll talk about it later ok."

I walk up and grab him by the shoulders. I spin him around to face me and I keep a firm grip on him.
"No. That is not what we agreed on. You said you'd tell me. I want to know. I need to know. I deserve the truth. I am your daughter and I deserve to know what happened to my mother!"

He doesn't say anything right away, but he builds up the courage to speak. "You won' won't believe me."

"I don't care. I want the honest to God truth about what happened. I don't give a shit if you think I'll believe it. Now tell me. I'm getting pissed off with you avoiding this stupid mess. You come home and try to shake me off like those months you were gone didn't exist."

"Ok. Come on." I follow him to the basement. He turns on the light and leads me to the mirrors.

What I'm about to tell you is true and if you still don't believe me after this, then see for yourself." he says.

Dad inhales deeply before telling his story.
"Your mom went missing. She went for a walk one night after a tough day at work. I told her it's not safe to walk alone at night but she went anyway. I don't know what happened but after they gave up I looked for her. When I gave up just like the police did, she was here in the basement. Dead. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want them to think I killed her, I couldn't have them think that so I put her in the freezer."

He stops to blink away tears.
"Weeks went by and strange things started happening. I'd hear things, see things and one day I walked in the bathroom and she was there in the mirror. But it wasn't her, she was different. I freaked out and smashed the mirror. She screamed in pain when I did it and I vowed never to break another mirror in this house. She kept showing up in every mirror. But I noticed something about the one in the bathroom. Since I had replaced it she hadn't shown up in it. She's in every original mirror in this house. She won't leave me alone! I couldn't let you know. I didn't want you to see her like that! I didn't want you to grow up in a horror movie! Not my daughter, not you Olivia. And I still failed to do so. I scared you so bad that night and all so you wouldn't see her. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.."
He's crying. I can't believe what I'm hearing. I feel bad for him but yet I can't help but think he's completely lost it. This isn't possible. I inch towards the mirrors stacked against one another. I crouch down and grab the corner of the towel covering it. When I look at dad for reassurance he backs up at first, than crouches beside me. He puts his arm around me for support.

His story is crazy but my adrenaline is pumping for some reason. I take a deep breath and yank it off. All I see is me and dad huddled next to each other. I frown and look at dad. Then a scratching sound comes from nearby. I remember it. It's the same sound from the time me and Libby were down here. The next sound is a high pitch screech that makes my hair stand on end.

It gets cold and a chill runs down my spine.

I look back at the mirror and something's walking towards us. Someone. She gets closer and closer into view. As she walks towards us I can tell that over the years she's gotten worse. Her skin is white as snow and her long flowing hair gleams silver. Her dress is also white and is a bit tattered at the ends.

She's now close, very close. She's visible down to her chest and she stops walking. She smiles but it's nowhere near warm. Her eyes are a pale gray and dark circles surround them.

I tremble in fear and hold onto dad like a little kid. I can't find the words to speak. Dad was right. He was right all along and I didn't believe him. Instead I called him crazy and screamed at him.  Mom was in the mirrors but it wasn't mom. This was not the loving image of a mother I remembered. This woman looks like a monster.
My throat gets tight and it feels like rocks are sitting in my stomach. My eyes tear up.
"D-dad..." I say choking up. This can't be real, this has to be a nightmare! I want to wake up now but I can't! I can't believe it and I don't want to!

Don't worry my dear, mommy's here.
The voice is soft and sounds more like hissing. It echoes which gives it an eerie haunting tone.
"Mom..what..what ha-happened to you?"
She smiles oddly at me.
Yes sweetheart, I've been here a very long time. You've grown up to be a stunning young lady. But don't worry about me, I'm fine.

I don't move away from dad who is also crying at this point.

I do have something to ask you.
"What is it?"
Come closer honey. This is between us ok?
I look at dad and scoot closer to her. His hand doesn't leave mg shoulder. I put my ear close so I can hear the vile question she whispers.

I scream so loud and with so much force my throat is on fire. I jump back and she screeches an ear splitting sound. My hands cover my ears and I watch as her perfect rows of teeth turn sharp and needle like. Her eyes turn yellow and her finger nails grow into sharp jagged claws.

I can hear rain starting to pound on the roof and the wind whip around, threatening to blow the house down. The walls shake and the sound of thunder booms all around me. The storm is so severe I can barely hear a thing over it.
I can see him searching around for something. Lightning crackles and illuminates the entire room through the tiny window. I see him pick up a piece of pipe laying against the wall.
More screeches fill the air.
I can see spiders, flies, centipedes, cockroaches, and other insects swarming around the mirror.

Dad approaches mom and raises the pipe. I can see tears swell up in his eyes. Then without hesitating he brings it down on the mirror.

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