Chapter 7

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After taking a picture of the photo on my cell phone, I managed to upload it to my laptop. I enlarged the image and printed off many copies.
The original photo is hidden in between the pages of an encyclopedia, which is under my mattress. I decided to hide it in a book for two purposes. One, so the picture won't get damaged. Two, if someone happens to look under there for any circumstance they'll just see a boring old book. They'll think nothing of it.
I look at the stack of papers on my desk. It should be enough. The papers get put in my dresser drawer underneath my clothes. Next stop, police station.
I park my car in between a huge pickup truck and a sports car. Hopefully if my dad drives by for any reason he won't see my car. Speaking of my father, I told him I was going to the library so I could get out of the house. He believed it because I often go to the library. I'm a book nerd.

I walk up to the front desk. The lady smiles at me. "Hello how can I help you?"
Her frizzy brown hair sits at her shoulders and she's wearing bright red lipstick. She's pretty pale and the color washes her out. Not to mention the green blouse she's wearing clashes with it.
I have my phone ready. I hold up a picture of my mother.
"This woman is my mom and she went missing. I was wondering if you could help me locate her." I state.
She doesn't look a bit surprised. I'm sure she gets worse requests working here.
"If you'd like to report a missing person's case I'll need you to give me some information." She has a pen in hand and ready to go.

"Oh no. You see, my mother has been missing for nine years."

Her eyes widen and she looks at me like I'm stupid.
I continue, "I'd really like to find her and I could use some help getting information." I smile weakly hoping it'll make a good impression.
"I'm sorry but if you'd like information we need proof of your identity and a parent signature allowing you to access confidential information. Even then I can't guarantee you'll be able to get any info. Before you go I need some information on your mother."
My smile fades. What kind of police station is this?

"Umm..okay. I'll come back another time."

She quickly types something on the computer in front of her. Then she goes back into a room. When she comes back she hands me a paper for my dad to sign and a sheet of paper to write my info down. The permission slip has this paragraph at the top about viewing confidential information. Just looking at that dotted line makes my heart sink. How in the hell will I get him to sign this without blowing my cover? I fill out as much as I know, which is hard. I barely remember her.
When I get home I go through my school papers. There's gotta be an old permission slip in here somewhere! My folder is stuffed with papers. Aha! There's a permission slip for a trip to some museum I never went to. It's from a while ago and dad's never seen it. I take it up to my room and get crafty.
I cut on the dotted line of the paper from school. The field trip form lays over top the other one. The section that needs signatures is visible now that I've cut away at the field trip paper. I take clear tape and tape the papers together.
Now to wait.
It's late at night and dad's laying on the couch. He's barely awake. I have to get dad to sign this now because when he's tired he isn't as focused. In fact, he tends to forget most of the things I tell him when he's half asleep.
"Hey dad, can you sign this permission slip? It's for a trip to the museum." I ask sweetly.
He grabs the paper from me and looks at it.
"Why's there tape on this?" he asks drowsily.
"I ripped it pretty bad."
He gives the papers a good hard look and dismisses his suspicion.

"Gimme a pen."
I have one ready so I hand it to him. I always seem to come prepared. Without thinking he signs the paper and hands it to me. I don't even think he read it. Victory is mine!
After taking the paper I hurry back upstairs and get my things together for tomorrow's expedition. Peeling this tape off would not be fun.

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