Chapter 1: Lucy

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I was six, running around the front yard of my house with another little boy. "Tag! You're it!" I yell as I touch the little boy with my hand. "Puff! I'm tired of running." "How are you tired already? We just started!" I complain. "Lucy, I have to tell you something important." I plop down next to Xavier in the grass. "What is it?" "My parents are making me move. We're moving to Italy." Xavier's parents pull into my drive way. "Come on, Xavier! We need to go." Xavier stands up and walks to them. "Bye, Lucy. I'll see you later." I never saw him again. I lost my best friend.

"Lucy, wake up," Macy shakes me awake. "We're at the airport. I can't believe you actually slept on the bus."

"Yeah, me too," I say tiredly. It's four in the morning. The sky is dark. We all follow the teachers to the airport. After going through the whole security process, we are boarding our plane and heading to Italy.

"So, if you could date a musician, what instrument would they play?" Janessa asks randomly after about an hour of being on the plane.

"Um... drums," I reply. "You?"

"Probably piano, or something classical," Janessa asks. You know who plays piano? Oliver!

"Why the sudden random question?" I ask.

"I'm taking a quiz on what is the first letter of your true love's name, and that's the last question," Janessa answers.

"Oh, cool. What letter did you get?" I ask.

"O," Janessa replies. I give her a smile raising one eyebrow and point to the seat in front of me. In front of me sits Oliver. "Shut up!"

Luke sits up and pops his head over his seat. He sits in front of Janessa, next to Oliver. He looks tired. "Would you keep it quiet?"

"It's like nine in the morning," I say.

"So?" Luke sits back down and Janessa and I laugh.

"Here, you take the test," Janessa hands me her phone and I restart the quiz.

What's your fav color?


What's your fav number?


Choose one of these qualities that you look for in a man...


Your first date is at the...


Flowers or Chocolates?


Read or Write?


Science or Math?


If you were to date a musician, what instrument would he play?


I watch it calculate for a second.

Your perfect match is..... X

That's weird, how am I supposed to find a guy with a name that starts with X? Oh, well. These test were never real anyways.

"What'd you get?" Janessa asks.

"X," I reply.

"Ha, good luck trying to find a guy with a name that starts with X," Janessa and I laugh. We talk more until we finally get to the airport in Italy. Then, we take a tour bus to our hotel. We all gather in the lobby after we have gotten our room keys.

"Alright guys, let me get your attention!" Mrs. Kelly yells and everyone is quiet. "Everyone is to head to your hotel room and unpack. Then, if you want to tour the neighborhood, get something to eat, that is okay. Just let one of the teachers know and let them know who you are with. No one goes out on your own. Alright, now go."

Janessa, Macy, Alex and I drop off our stuff in our room that we share. Then, we walk out.

"So, we going out to eat?" Janessa starts to walk backwards in front of us.

"Yeah, we just have to go tell a teacher. Mr. Hadely should be in the lobby," Alex says. A door opens and Janessa walks straight into it.

"Ow!" Janessa rubs the back of her head as Macy, Alex, and I laugh at her.

"Sorry," Luke says as he, Oliver, Dylan, and Adrian walk out of that room.

"Oh, hey guys," Dylan says as he sees us.

"Actually, we're girls," Macy says trying to be sarcastic. I look at the floor, then up at Oliver and Adrien. I haven't talked to Dylan since eighth grade and I'd like to keep it that way.

"Sorry, hey, girls," Dylan says. "Well, I'm gonna go meet up with Maddy." Maddy is Dylan's girlfriend.

"Yeah, and I'm going to go meet up with Jessica, they're probably together," Luke says. Jessica is his girlfriend.

The two boys walk away and Oliver and Adrien stay with us. "So, you girls going to eat?" Adrien asks.

"Yep," Alex replies. I wonder if she's even going to eat. She doesn't eat much, but it's okay.

"Cool, we'll go with you," Oliver smiles at us. I smile back, and so does Janessa. I wink at her and she rolls her eyes. We head down to tell Mr. Hadely where we are going and then we head out. The sun is setting and it looks beautiful.

"Look, there's a small restaurant across the street. Want to go over there?" I point over to it.

"Sure," Oliver says.

"It's worth a shot," Macy adds.

We grab a table and start to eat. Soon, four people that we know very well walk in: Jessica, Luke, Dylan, and Maddy. Macy and I look at each other and roll our eyes. Macy, Janessa, and I don't get along with Maddy very well. Why would we? They grab a table on the other side of the room luckily. But, then Jessica spots us. She waves over and, of course, Oliver waves back. Then she walks over, her blonde hair bouncing as she walks. She talks (or more like flirts) a little with Oliver, before heading back to her table. Oliver is so blind. We eat and talk, then leave. We walk down the street just to look around and a building catches our attention. It looks like a club, but it's not a club. It's like a hang out place, with a dance place. There are teens gathered in there. We all walk in curious.

" the winner!" Says an announcer, raising up the arm of a teenage boy that looks to be my age. He has really dark hair, almost black, and blue eyes. His skin is a light tan and he's several inches taller than I am. People cheer and he and his friends celebrate with high-fives and cheers. The guy looks around and his blue eyes meet my brown one. His eyes widen as if he recognizes me. At that moment, I recognize him, too.

"Xavier?" I ask. I know he probably can't hear me through all this noise.

"Lucy?" I see him mouth.

"Come on, Lucy. We better go," Janessa pulls me out before anything else happens. I'm shocked. I never thought I'd ever see him again. And now, seeing him. He's changed so much. I'm really shocked. The six of us are outside. "Lucy? Are you okay?"

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