Chapter 17: Lucy

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I pace back in forth by the front door, waiting for Janessa to come with the vampires. I've been pacing for the passed fifteen minutes.

"Lucy?" Macy says. Everyone else is in the kitchen. I was the only one out here.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Are you okay?"

"No! I'm not okay! I have no clue what's going on. I have no clue where Alex is. Janessa hasn't shown up yet. I was just kidnapped. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be kidnapped by a psychopath and have no clue where the heck you are?" I snap as goosebumps crawl up my arms. I wait a second. "I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do."

"Well, that's a first," Macy says trying to cheer me up. It doesn't work though. There is finally a knock on the door. With trembling hands, I open the door. It's Janessa. Behind her stands Cameron, Anthony, Ryan, and Mason.

"Lucy, what's going on?" Janessa asks. 

I let them in.

"Come on," Macy says. "We'll explain what has happened." I follow all of them into the kitchen. Macy and the guys start explaining what's going on. 

"I need some air," I whisper to Macy and walk passed them to the backyard while they start discussing a plan. Well, more like arguing what the plan with be. I walk out to the giant backyard. I sit on the bench and stair at the floor.

"So, you're Xavier's girlfriend?" a female voices says.

"I wouldn't say girlfriend," I say not bothering to look up to see who it was. Which was pretty dumb of me, considering in just two seconds of saying that, everything went black.

"Lucy!" someone shakes me awake. I open my eyes in a darkish room. Again. I got kidnapped again?!?! When I see Max, I'm going to punch him in the face. I've had enough of this. I make out Tyrece's face. I jerk up, breathing deeply. "Max kidnapped you too?"

"Yes, he did earlier, which is why you guys were called as soon as Jamee and I escaped with the help of Xavier. The last thing I remember was a female voice asking me if I was Xavier's girlfriend," I explain. "I didn't see who she was, though."

"I don't know who it could ave been?" Tyrece says.

OMG! I just realized I am here with Tyrece! "Where's Alex?!?"

"I don't know," Tyrece whispers. I can tell he's sad and upset, but at the same time very angry. Not only at Max, but at himself as well. I stand up and reach for the door. "It's locked."

I search my hair. Bobby pin. Once I got away from Max, I put a bobby pin in my hair. Just in case. I find the lock and start picking at it.

"You can do that?" Tyrece asks.

"Please, I've been doing this since I was two," I reply. "I can do this in my sleep." I get the door unlocked and open it. It opens out to a huge room. In the middle on the room, I spot Alex. She's tied to a chair with ropes. A piece of cloth covers her mouth. She's all alone. There seems to be no one else in the room. Strange. Where are you, Max? Tyrece walks out in front of me trying to get to Alex. I so wouldn't do that. It's too easy. Something hits Tyrece hard and he falls to the ground. Just then, someone grabs my arm and something cold is put up at my neck as my arm is put behind my back. 

"It's a shame I have to hurt you. You were so pretty and so smart," I hear Max's voice say behind me. This guy really is a lunatic.

"You know, normally when a guy tries to flirt with a girl, it normally doesn't involve a knife at the girl's neck," I say sarcastically. Hey, if I'm going to die, I'm going to die strong.

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