Chapter 11: Lucy

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We walk into the dance studio and into the dance room that Mason had told Janessa to go to. It's empty, no one else is in there. Our dance bags lay on the floor. I shrug, not knowing how they got there. I walk over to my bag and change from my flats to my black converse. 

"Where are the guys?" Macy asks.

"I have no clue. Where is everyone else in this dance class?" Janessa answers. 

I just shrug. I look at myself in the wall that is a complete mirror. I raise my hands over my head, stretching. Then, I move my upper body side to side, then I put my hands down. Macy stretches her right arm across her body, then does the same with her left arm. Then, four boys walk in. Mason, Ryan, Anthony, and another guy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Nessa, glad you guys showed up," Mason says. I try not to glare at them. There's something I don't like about them.

"Why wouldn't we?" Janessa smiles. "Where is everyone else in this class?"

"You guys are it," Ryan says with a smile. Anthony whispers something into Mason's ear that makes him smirk.

"You didn't tell me this was a private class," Janessa says with a smirk.

"It's really not that private since there is eight of us, compared to two," Macy says sarcastically. i can tell she doesn't like them either.

"Right. Guys, this is Macy, Lucy, and Alex," Janessa gestures to each of us. "Girls, this is Ryan, Anthony, Cameron, and of course you already know Mason." We say hey to each other. "So, what dance is this class for?"

"Free style," Ryan says.

"Well, show us what you got," I say and step out of their way with my arms crossed. The guys press play on the stereo and do a short number.

"What do you think?" Cameron asks me.

"It was good," I reply simply.

"That was amazing," Alex says.

"Yeah, definatly. Don't mind Lucy, she's hard to impress," Janessa says.

"It's not that hard to impress me. You just have to wow me," I say.

"And how to we wow you?" Cameron gives me a smirk.

"I've seen many dances, and I've done many dances. You have to show me something extraordinary," I reply.

"Well, why don't you show us?" Anthony gives me a smirk. "Let's get dancing."

We start the dance class, just dancing back and forth and giving each other tips. After about an hour, more less, my phone starts ringing. I leave Cameron hanging, standing there waiting for me to run to him so he can show me a lift, and head for my phone. I look at the caller ID and smile.

"Hello?" I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Hey," Xavier says.

"What's up?"

"You doing anything?"

I look around. Macy is trying to get a kick right, Anthony and Ryan and demondstrating something to Alex, Mason and Janessa are dancing something together, and Cameron is doing some arm stretching as he waits for me.

"Nothing important. Why?" I reply.

"Can you meet me at Rialto Bridge in half an hour?"


"Okay, see you then."

"Bye," I hang up with a smile. I turn back. "You guys have a change room, right?"

"Yeah, it's at the end of the hall, to your left," Cameron replies.

"Thanks," I take my bag and head to the changing room. I change into the extra outfit I have in my bag. I change into a pair of light jeans and white tank top and a black vest. I keep my black converse on and touch up my hair and make up, and in ten minutes, I'm out.

"Hey, can you take my bag back to the hotel?" I ask Janessa, Macy, and Alex as I drop my bag off in the corner.

"Sure, where are you going?" Macy asks.

"I have to meet someone," I smile and wink. As I turn to leave, I notice Cameron whisper something to Mason. Cameron glances at me before I leave. What are they hiding? In just under twenty minutes, I meet Xavier at the bridge.

"Hey," Xavier says. He grins at me.

"Hi," I breath in a fishy smell. "Something smells fishy."

"Oh, ha. That would be because on my over here, I was passing through the fish market near by, and Levi a bucket of fish on his shoes and I kind of just got the smell from it," Xavier explains. I giggle.

"So, what's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much," Xavier shrugs.

"No, I mean, why did you call me to come over here?" I smile.

"Does there have to be a reason? I thought you said you weren't doing anything important," Xavier smirks.

"I wasn't. I'm just asking, in case you have a specific reason," I reply.

"I guess I do," Xavier says. "You and your class has to go to the ball in three day, right?"

"Yes," I reply. Please tell me he's going to ask me to the ball. I know I told the girls I might make the first move, but the truth is that I never make the first move.

"Well, would you like to go to that ball with me?"

"Yes," I smile brightly. Yes!!!!! "Wait, is that like your territory or the vampires territory?"

"Neither. Its neutral," Xavier replies.

"Okay, good," I smile. Then, Xavier's phone rings.

"Hello?" he answers. "Okay, I'll be right there."

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing. My sister needs me for something. I'll see you later," Xavier says.

"See you," Xavier plants a kiss on my cheek and leaves. I continue to walk on the bridge. I spot someone I know running with a terrified look on her face. I stop her. "Jamee, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I just saw a human guy turn in to a wolf."

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