Chapter 8: Janessa

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Ryan limps through the door, wincing at the yell. It came from Cameron. We're currently back at the dance place. It turns out that It's really a dance studio, but classes were canceled yesterday so that the art place could have the gala tonight. Or really last night.

"Dang it!" Looking at my phone, I realize that I missed the deadline for the teachers to check in. I know that Lucy will cover for me, but it means that I'll have to explain to the girls where I've been and why.

Mason glances at me while Cameron continues yelling at Ryan. "You okay?"

"Yeah, but I've got to be back by four and it's a thirty minute walk back to the hotel."

"I'll walk you."

I nod. "Thanks." I turn to Ryan. "You going to be okay?"

He nods, giving me a smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just have to survive Cameron."

I giggle as Cameron waves bye to me before lecturing Ryan yet again. Something about how what he did is totally reckless.

Mason explains it to me as we walk. "I'm the leader, but Cameron is the mom of us. I agree with him, what Ryan did is reckless, especially with you and your friend there, but Ryan and Tyrece go way back. And not in a good way."

I nod. "I know. I was told part of the story."

"I'll tell you the rest someday."

We lapse into silence for a minute. "So, you're a vampire, huh?"

He grimaces. "That word implies we're blood thirsty creatures that are allergic to garlic and burn in sunlight."

"Do you at least sparkle," I add playfully. He chuckles and pulls me closer to him.

"God, no. And I'm thankful for that."

"So what do you do?"

He sighs. "We do drink blood, but we can live without it. And it can come from anyone, but It's better coming from someone we love."

"Like Ryan and Tyrece's cousin?"

"Yeah, like Ryan and Angie. They loved each other a lot. But they were forced by their families to stop seeing each other."

"Romeo and Juliet," I muse.

"Yeah. So anyways, other than having fangs and the horrible burden of drinking blood, we're normal humans."

We're almost to the hotel. "As normal as we can get, anyways," I say. "Humans are weird."

"Oh," he adds. "And we have an uncanny way of falling for terribly pretty girls such as yourself. Ones that won't ever reciprocate the same feelings."

I shake my head and blush, thanking the universe for the darkness. "How do you know that I don't like you back?"

He stops walking when we're directly in front of the hotel. "I'm not human, Nessa. I'm a monster."

"You don't seem like a monster to me," I point out. "In fact, you've been a perfect gentleman."

He smiles and gets this look in his eyes. They glimmer in the dim light of the streetlamp. His eyes darken with want. "Nessa, what would you say if I wanted to kiss you?"

I turn around, facing him, and grab his hand, leading him to a darker area of the shadows so no one could see us, even though there wouldn't be many people out at this time anyways.

"I would say," I start, bringing our faces closer as I talk. When our lips are almost touching, give my answer. "Yes," I whisper. But I don't give him a chance. I kiss him first.

A jolt of electricity moves through me as our lips move in sync. His arm slides behind me onto my back, pulling me closer to him.

After our kiss, he sighs and touches our foreheads together. "When can I see you again," he asks between more stolen kisses.

I grin against his lips. "Tomorrow, meet me on the Bridge of Sighs around noon. We could spend some time together, but I'll have to convince the girls, or hide it from them. Either way, they'll be suspicious. But I don't care. I like you."

He smiles. "I like you too, Nessa. I'll see you on The Bridge Of Sighs tomorrow around two. I'll look forward to it."

And with a last kiss and parting hug, he's gone, leaving me to float back to my room. We just kissed! As I walk inside, all girls turn to me.

"Where the heck have you been?" Lucy demands.

I sigh. "I went for a walk, but got caught up in the fight between Tyrece and Ryan. You would know, you were following me," I accuse.

She holds up her hands in defense. "I'm sorry. Look, you're one of my best friends, and I'm looking out for you. I trust what Xavier says. Mason isn't good for you."

I nod. "I know. But I feel something. Is that so wrong?"

Everyone shakes their heads. "No, it isn't wrong. Just be careful, okay?"

I force a smile. "Okay."


"Alex, please," she begs me. "You've felt like this before. I can't go out alone without everyone else thinking something is up. Help me out here."

I sigh. "I can't believe I'm doing this for you. We have to be back here by four, tops. That's when the other girls are getting back from lunch with Xavier and his crew. So we have to be back by then."

She grins and hugs me. "Thank you so much!"

I chuckle. "Let's go, Miss Juliet."

She skips along to the Bridge of Sighs, where she'll be meeting her forbidden lover. I can't help but feel a pang in my chest. At least Nessa has someone, forbidden or not. And there's definitely something between Xavier and Lucy. Macy doesn't need a guy, although she had one boyfriend before. His name was Harrison, and it was back in freshman year.

I've been fooling myself into thinking that school work is more important than liking someone, or even having friends. I haven't had much, just Nessa, Macy, and Lucy. They're more than anyone could hope for.

I know I don't need a guy, but I can't help but want someone to share kisses and secrets with. And as much as I've tried not to, I think I'm developing a stupid school girl crush. On Tyrece. Especially after hearing what he did last night.

Oh, well. I'll dwell on that later, like most other things. Right now I'm going to enjoy my lemonade while watching everyone have fun. Maybe I'll go shopping. I take one last look at Mason and Janessa, laughing and hugging each other before I step away and leave them to each other.

Because when you're with someone else, that's all you need. Each other. As I'm wistfully thinking about what it's like to be in love, I bump into someone, immediately apologizing.

"I'm sorry."

"That's quite alright," a familiar voice chuckles.


"Hi, Alex. Would you like to walk with me? I'm trying to find a nice thing to buy my nonna for her birthday, but I can't seem to find anything."

"The one who makes those figurines?"

He nods. "The very one."

I smile at him. I've got nothing else to do, might as well. "I'd love to help you shop for your nonna."

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