Chapter 12: Janessa

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"It was a guy, I swear to you. But then he just transformed, all at once."

I sigh. "Describe him."

Jamee clutches her water bottle, shaking. "He had black hair and blue eyes, he looked official, you know? Like he was all business and had no time for playing around. Our age, maybe older. And he just turned into a wolf, just like that."

Lucy beckons me into the other room for a second, while the other two keep talking to Jamee. "Who is this guy?"

Lucy shrugs. "I'm not sure. Xavier is the only one in that group with both dark hair and blue eyes, but he isn't all business like, and he was with me."

"So that's who you went to see," I smirk.

She blushes. "Yeah. Long story short, we're going to the gala together, but that isn't the point. The point is, I have no idea who this guy is, and I'm thinking the guys don't know about him either."

I giggle at the fact that they're going together. "So we just tell them."

"But that could cause more trouble," she points out. "There's already this thing that we have to figure out with the vampires, and this could add more."

I sigh. "I know. Anyways, let's not tell Jamee or the guys just yet. We won't tell the guys about what she saw, and we won't tell her about werewolves and vampires, at least not yet."

"Yeah," she agrees.

We go back out and reassure Jamee that she maybe saw a trick of the light and it was a large dog that he was walking or something. She's not entirely convinced, but admits that she's tired and she might have seen wrong. Phew, that situation is diffused for now.

"Now," I clap my hands together. "What about this whole going to the ball together thing?"

Alex and Macy come closer. "Yeah, what is with that," Macy asks.

Lucy blushes. "He asked me. That was who I got the call from. He wanted to meet me so he could ask in person."

We squeal and giggle. "Great!"

I get a call and rush to my bag where I left my phone. I don't even bother to look at the caller ID. "Nessa here, unless I hate you. Then it's Janessa for you."

He chuckles. "I think I can call you Nessa."

"Nope," I smile. "It's Janessa for you, mister," I joke.

He chuckles. "Ok than, Janessa. What are you doing right now, at this exact moment?"

I laugh. "Talking to you."

"Other than that," he laughs.

"We're sitting in our room, just talking." We're not telling the vampires about this either. "Why?"

"Because I'm in the lobby of your hotel, waiting for you. Let's go do something together."

I smile. "Would this require me to dress up? It's almost five."

I can tell that he's smiling. "You and your laziness. No, you don't have to dress up. We can get something to eat if you'd like. If you're not busy."

I giggle. "Hey! I am not lazy, I just like conserving energy. And I'd love to get something to eat with you."

The girls are staring at me with smirks on their faces as I hang up, promising to meet him in the lobby in five minutes. "What?"

Macy shrugs. "Nothing, but we can tell that you really like Mason."

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