Chapter 15: Macy

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After the tours earlier today, Jamee, Lucy, and I came here to La Flora for lunch. It's a vegetarian restaurant. I have no clue why we decided to eat here. I stab my fork in the salad and stuff my mouth.

"So, Lucy, have you talked to Xavier? You know, since yesterday?" Jamee asks.

"Nope. After the dancing, he left. He hasn't talked to me. I'm still kind of mad. Like, he just had to start some competition Mason, didn't he?" Lucy replies.

"Well, it is Mason's fault for interrupting your dance with him," I comment.

"True," Lucy says.

"So, technically, it was Mason who started the competition," Jamee adds.

"True," Lucy says. "Okay, let's talk about something else." The girls and I talk until we have finished our salads. "Let's go do some shopping."

Jamee and I agree and we start walking to the store next door. We walk into the clothing boutique and walk around. I join Jamee looking at the tops.

"What do you think of this one?" Jamee pulls out a white and black top.

"I like it. It looks nice," I say.

"Cools. I'm going to try it on," Jamee leaves to try the shirt on.

I look at the shirts for a few minutes before moving on to something else. I check out the jeans. I find a nice pair of skinny jeans and decide to go try it on. Once I get to the dressing room, I see no sign of Jamee. Come to think of it, I don't remember seeing her come out of the dressing rooms. I look around the small boutique and see no sign of Jamee or Lucy. There are a couple of there customers and the lady at the desk plays on her phone. Where are they? I pull out my phone and call Lucy. All I get is her voice mail. I hang up and call Jamee. In one of the dressing stalls I hear the song I like to move it start to play. That's Jamee's ringtone. I walk over to that stall. It's empty. Picking up Jamee's phone, I discover a piece of paper under it. A message is typed on it in bold letters.

If you want to see your friends again, bring Xavier to Saint Mark's Basilica at seven in the evening.

OMG! My heart starts pounding. Who could this be from? I read the bottom.



I grab Jamee's phone, drop the jeans, and run out of the store. Cars drive in the street. None of them look suspicious. I look around. No sign of Lucy or Jamee. Maybe I'll head to the hotel and hopefully I'll run into one of the guys. How hard can it be? We're always running in to them out of nowhere. After thirty minutes of walking, I finally reach the hotel. No sign of any of the guys. Unbelievable. When you need them most, they're never around. I check my phone. Maybe I got Levi's number without remembering. I scroll through my contacts. Nothing. I run up to our room and open the door. No one. The room is empty. Janessa is with Alexa, Chase, and Oliver. And Alex is with Angie. Alex! I call Alex. Voice mail. I call Janessa. I hear music. Great, Janessa left her phone here. This is ridiculous. I look at the clock. 4:30. I have two hours and a half. I run out of the hotel. Which way to go? The building! I remember the building where Lucy and I had lunch with the guys last week. Wait, this is the start of the third week we've been here. In three days, we leave back to America. Never mind that, I need to find Lucy and Jamee. Where was that building? Think. Ugh, curse my horrible memory. I think hard. I probably look constipated right now. Oh what the heck, if that's what it takes to get my best friend back. I suddenly remember a street name. Thank you, brain. I wave for a taxi and tell him to take me to the street. He drops me off at the end of the street and I give him money. I walk quickly along the street to find the abandoned building. I check the time once I've gotten pretty far. 5:45. Gosh, I'm hungry. Keep walking. It's a miracle. I see the building just a few stores away. I run to it and look into it. I see a girl sitting on her phone. I think it's Brittney. I don't know. Her hair is pink. Screw it. I pound on the door. The girl looks up. Yep, it's Brittney.

"Macy? What are you doing here?" Brittney says as she opens the door. I gasp for breath. I hate running. "Are you okay?"

"No, Lucy and Jamee are gone," I reply.

Brittney looks worried. "What?"

"I need Xavier, now," I say as I show her the note.

"Come on," Brittney locks the door and waves over a taxi. We both get in and she tells the driver an address. We arrive at a cafe. We walk in and see Xavier, Levi, and Joshua drinking sodas and talking. Brittney and I practically run over to them. They look at us and upon seeing our worried faces, their smiles fade. "We have a problem."

"What's wrong?" Joshua asks.

"It's Lucy and Jamee," I say.

"What?" Xavier asks sternly, almost standing up.

"Macy, what happened?" Levi asks.

"Lucy, Jamee, and I just finished having lunch and them we went shopping. We went into a small clothing boutique. Lucy went to go look at some sunglasses while Jamee and I went to check out the tops. Jamee found a top she liked and went to go try it on. I moved on, because I didn't now what was happening. When I went to go try on a pair of jeans, the girls were gone. They were nowhere in the store. Jamee's phone was left in her dressing stall and under it I found this," I explain and then show them the note.

"It has to be Mason," Brittney says.

"Well, who else would it be?" Levi says.

"It's not Mason," Xavier says.

"What? Who else has a name that starts with M and would know about you and Lucy and would know that they know that we are you know what and would have it out for you?" Joshua says.

"Max," Xavier says and starts to walk out.

"Max?" Brittney gasps.

"Who is Max?" Levi asks.

"My cousin," Xavier says. "He's had it out for me since we were kids. It's why we moved here in the first place. I have no clue what he wants, but I'm going to figure it out."

"We'll go with you," Joshua says.

"No! You will all stay here. I'm going to deal with this. Joshua and Levi, you guys need to protect Macy and Brittney," Joshua and Levi don't argue with Xavier. They stay put as Xavier turns into a wolf and runs.


My eyelids open slowly. My vision is filled with more darkness, though there is a little bit of light. There seems to be no one else in the room. I look a little more closely. Nope, Jamee is also in here. She starts to wake up. Where am I? Where are we? My hands are tired in rope, and my feet are also tired in rope, tired to the ground.

"Jamee." I whisper loudly.

"Lucy," Jamee whispers as well. "Where are we?"

"I don't know," I say. The last thing I remember was looking at the sunglasses and then being knocked out. The door in the room opens. A tall guy (who's got to be over six feet tall) with blue eyes and brown hair walks in. It's the guy Jamee and I saw the other day, the day Jamee found out about werewolves and vampires.

"You? Who are you and why are we here?" I ask.

"Me? I'm Max. And you? You're bait," Max responds.

"Bait for who?" Jamee asks. Max looks at me as if I know the answer. And I do. It's the same guy who he was asking for the first time we met him.

"Xavier," I say.

"Okay, so that explains why you kidnapped her. But, why me?" Jamee asks.

"I have my reasons," Max says.

I can't believe I'm bait. I feel so bad. Max sniffs the air.

"Well, look who is here," Max says. Max opens the door wide open to reveal a wide hall. There I see Xavier turn back into a man. His eyes been mine. He frowns. He's really here. Max walks out. He starts talking to Xavier. I don't pay attention. I reach into my high top and pull out a small knife. I cut the rope and walk over to Jamee and cut her's. They guys are too busy arguing to pay any attention to us. Jamee finds a chair and eyes me. I know what she's thinking. I nod, though I'm really scared. Jamee picks up the chair and smashes Max's head with it. Max falls to the ground. Xavier stares at us for a second.

"Run," Xavier tells us.

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