Chapter 16: Alex

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"Wow," I breathe. "This is beautiful."

Tyrece grins. "I know. Just like you."

I glare at him. "Don't you dare get cheesy on me now."

He laughs. "See, this is why I like you, Alex. You're funny, different, and beautiful. You're down to the point."

"You-you like me," I stutter.

He looks at me in surprise. "Yeah. Why else would I be taking you on this date?"

"Because you take pity on me," I whisper. He hears me.

He comes closer and looks me in the eye. "I don't take pity on you. I like you Alex. You're unique."

I grin. "Thanks." A blush is spreading across my cheeks. "Anyways, I like you too."

He nudges me. "I'm pretty sure that's a good thing. Also why you agreed to go on this date."

"I did not agree," I protest. "You dragged me along!"

He shrugs. "Meh. It was the only way to ensure you wouldn't reject me."

I shake my head. "I wouldn't have rejected you."

"But I didn't know that at the time," he points out.

"True. But you could have asked."

He shakes his head. "Not my style. So, do you like it?"

I nod enthusiastically. "It's amazing! What are we supposed to be doing though?"

Tyrece has taken me to St. Mark's Square, and we got ice-creams before sitting on the edge of the docks to watch the sunset. "We watch the sunset," he points to the horizon. Pinks have started to paint the sky.

I scoff. "Yeah, but you have to admit that this is kind of cliché for a first date."

He nods. "I know. I was just waiting for you to finish your ice-cream. Why would we stay watching the sunset? I know you enough to know that you would think it kind of boring. I do too. So come on."

He stands and holds out a warm hand for me to take, which I do. We walk to an outside arcade, and I let out a happy squeal. I love outside arcades. He grins, still holding my hand in his. "I knew you would like it."

I hug him a bit weirdly, considering the fact that he's set on keeping my hand. But I don't mind. "Thanks."

We come to the first game, Ringtoss, and he hands some money to the guy manning it. "I know it's also a bit cliché for this date, but you seem to like it so I'm good."

I laugh at his self confidence. "Very funny."

He smirks. "But I'm going to kick your butt at this game, and that will be funny."

"You can't go easy on me."

He shakes his head. "Darling, I wasn't planning to."

Five rounds of Ringtoss and laughing later, and he's beat me. Every single time. On the last one, he actually scored enough points to win something, and he turns to me.

"Which do you want?"

I point to a cute panda. It's ginormous. And fluffy. He grins at me again and points to it. The man gives it to him. He takes my hand and starts walking.

"Wait, aren't you going to give it to me?"

He scoffs. "Nope." Then, he holds it out for me. "Just kidding." As I go to grab it, he pulls it away. "But, you have to successfully get it from me."

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