Chapter 5: Lucy

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"Ugh! I hate these things," Alex complains as she, Macy, and I walk to the next art piece. I take a sip from the glass of apple cider I have in my right hand. "Heels should be illegal in every country."

Macy and I laugh. I look around again. I have a strange feeling that I'm being watch, but I see no one. I look back at the painting. It's beautiful, and yet tells a very sad story. It's full of gloomy colors. A waiter comes by us and I place glass of apple cider in his tray.

"You know what? I've had enough of these things," Alex leans against the wall and takes off her stelletos.

"You're going to walk around barefoot?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Yep," Alex replies and walks to the next piece, barefoot. Macy and I laugh and follow her.

Finally, someone catches my eye. His blue eyes glance over at me and I meet them. Xavier. Why do I keep running into him? I take a deep breath. He gives me a look that tells me to follow him and then he leaves. I decide to follow.

"Hey, guys. I'll be right back," I say keeping my eyes in the direction he went.

"Okay, don't be long," Macy says.

"I'll try," I smile and then head in direction Xavier went in. I end up in an empty hallway and then I see something- or someone- turn the corner. I quicken my pace and end up in a dead end. No one there. I breath deep. This is kind of freaky, but I try not to let it get to me.

"Nice dress," a male voice startles me. I turn around and see him. His dark brown hair, his perfect blue eyes, he's well groomed.

"Xavier," I say. There's no mistaking him.

"Lucy," he says as he walks closer to me.

"That's my name," I smirk. I keep my eyes locked on his as he does the same with me.

"It's been a while," he says, copying my smirk.

"Ten years and not a single word. Not even a good bye," I say. He stops walking closer once he's a few feet away from me. I look at him. He looks really hot. He's definatly not the same boy I remember. But, I still find myself attracted to him. I find the strange urge to kiss him, but I do nothing. And, as if he reads my mind, I notice him glance down at my lips but he does nothing. "I see you're still dancing. That dance you did yesterday evening. It was the same dance we did for our junior hip hop class when we were five, just with a couple of things added to it."

"You noticed," Xavier says.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask rhetorically. "So, what am I doing here? Why did you want me to follow you?"

"I wanted to talk," Xavier says.

"About what? I barely know you now. I hardly knew who you were when I first saw you," I say.

"And yet, after ten years you were still able to recognize me," Xavier proves his point that something is going on with us if we were both able to recognize each other after ten years of never seeing each other.

"And you were able to recognize me," I add. We stare at each other again. Before I know it, our lips touch and we are kissing. OMG!! I've never kissed someone before, and I choose to have my first kiss with a stranger! What is wrong with me? I've gone so down hill. I'm supposed to be smart and I'm kissing a stranger. And this is all me because I'm not drunk. What am I doing? This is so messed up. And I'm still kissing him! Ugh! What is wrong with me? I finally build the courage to pull back from him. First kiss and it was with a stranger. He has a small grin, but I don't.

"Um...I need to go, my friends are wondering where I am," I say and walk pass him.

"Wait, Lucy," Xavier says.

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