visions 1

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Hermoine opened her eyes once more duh!. She stared at a huge pot in front of her , it was huge one and something smoky air was coming out of it.
Hermoine cried as she struggles to stand up she felt a sharp sting in her body . She couldn't even understand where it was coming from she started to search her body . She was wearing a thin top with full length jeans . Her coat was not visible she started to search for it . When she again fell thumping on the ground.  She now could see her thigh slashed with a knife . It was bleeding as she saw her white jeans turning red she was trembling as she cried harder . She murmured ," Harry. ....... Ron...... Please save me . Please !" Saying so hermoine again collapsed in the ground as she started having a vision.
She groaned as she found herself falling in a grassy ground . She lifted her head and stared at her thigh as she was relieved to found that her wounded thigh was now totally harmless . She stood lingering as she found a door it was written 'love life ' she opened the door seemingly she know that there would be Ron inside it. She smiled as she opened it, it seems surprising but she was glad that there was no Ron if anyone was there it was Harry . Harry touched her cheeks and muttered " love u moine ,"
Next moment I found myself in a pitch black background.

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