*Chapter Three*

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Hear my whispers,
Hear my cries,
Hear my sorrows,
Hear my lies.
Stop this obsession,
End my depression.
Heal my soul and make me whole,
Mend the heart that you once stole.

Written by EvaGora.

Dedicated to rosefan23.

So yet again,
I find myself in a very bad situation.
I'm on my way to a club called Master Fangs.
Dad got a hint that Jovan's commander hangs out there.
From what I hear he is close to prince Jovan.
Best friends I heard.
So I need to know for sure where he is.
Just hours ago, I received the orders from my father to go blend in.

Easy-  Just go snoop around for any news about prince's exact location.

We're not exactly sure if he is really hidden in his fancy castle.

So here I am in my blood red skyline GTR R35,
Breaking every road rule by going 310 miles per hour.
Well at least I'm loaded with weapons and looking good while I'm wasting my Friday night away.
Turning left in an unholy fast speed,
I park the car in front of this big blue, red and black building,
With a cliche name that reads 'Master Fangs'.
How stupid can they get?
We all know they have fangs, so why flaunt it? Rats asses.

Climbing out and catching a few eyes with my black corset dress with my red 10 inch stilettos and bouncy curls around my shoulders,
I take my walk of doom into the night.

Walking to the front door, I'm greeted by a bouncer with huge bulky arms, a scar running down his face from his eye to his jaw.
Black T-shirt with jeans.
I'm surprised it even fits his big ass.
Grinning at him, I pay for the entrance fee.
Going through the red double doors, I look at the bright red lights lining the walls, the plush leather couches to the side.
The floors are clean, it smells like blood and sex in here.
This is really disgusting.
Give me a break.

Vampire females parading around with their fancy designer dresses, red eyes greedily scanning for humans to toy with.

Making my way to the bar I, order one tequila with a slice of lemon with salt on.
I know I can't get drunk in a place like this, but I have to blend in somehow.
I really don't want to become a vampire pretzel.

Gazing around the room, past the people dancing so tight against each other, I'm startled when a husky voice speaks up from behind me.

"Hi there sexy.. Want to have some fun? I can show you-"
Turning around I glare him to death, he smirks cockily at me, so I my hand on his mouth to silence the fool. I'm really irritated, and for his sake, I hope he leaves me alone. Unless he wants a bullet in his head.

"Let me stop you there. Do I look like a blood whore to you? no?
I thought so. Now take a hike before you become MY snack of the night,
And no get your dirty mind off of me you freak."
Noticing his green eyes widen a bit, its my turn to smirk at him.
He has blond hair with blue streaks in, a pretty boy face.
So not my type.

"Whatever human. You would be delighted to have me as company. It's your loss."
Shrugging, he turns around and walks away in search for his next victim.

Looking around again, I spot a rich vampire on the couches.
His rigid body, scanning eyes and short military hair cut says it all.
I know I've got my target for the night.

Target confirmed.

Walking over to the vampire, I sway my hips a bit to catch his attention.
Slowly smiling and acting shy.
I glance at his red eyes and smirking face to see if I got his attention. His red eyes greedily scans my body up and down. Bingo.
He turns his face towards the human girls giggling beside him.
Whispering at them, they stand up in their short dresses and leave.
His eyes never leaves me.
His voice is raspy and deep.

Reign Of Vampires ( Book One Of The Reign Series)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن