*Chapter Ten*

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Today I'm going shopping.
Not knowing that today my whole world will be turned upside down.
So I decided to go to Woolworths and then Rage, apparently rage has the best stilettos for the cheapest prices.
Getting ready for the day, I go about my usual routine.
Shower, brushing teeth, doing my hair and then doing my make up.
Looking into the full length mirror on my bathroom wall, I smile.
I used to look like a teenage girl, full of flowers and rainbows.
Now I look like a woman.
If only my mom could see me now.
Getting my keys and phone and Gucci handbag, I lock my doors.

Heading out, I greet my neighbour, Mr.Small.
The surname actually fits him, he's a bald old man, short and fat.
Always wearing suits, even gardening.
I get into a yellow taxi, and tell the man the address.

Getting out at my stop and paying the man, I get excited.
I'll buy two pairs of shoes.
No what about 5?
I'll decide when I get there.

Getting inside I'm greeted with high ceilings and chandeliers as big as a mountain (not really but almost).
And smiling faces all around.
I heard somewhere that South-Africa is the number one country in the world regarding crimes, murders, serial killers and robbings.
Its statistics. It just makes sense that Jovan and his family will be here, as beautiful as it is. Its still kind of scary to think mexico sounds like a theme park ride against this beautiful country.
Looks can be deceiving.
Stopping in front of rage, I gasp.
There's so much shoes, its like shoe paradise.
I'm so giddy I almost jump around like an energetic kid.

I see the most stunning shoes ever.
Its 6 and a half inch, sapphire blue and light baby blue.

Getting a size size five and almost killing the sales lady, I buy them for only 800 Rand.

Scanning the other racks, I pick a few more and buy them.

When I'm finished, I buy some clothes.
Which consists of 10 pairs of skinny jeans, A few nice shirts and underwear and some dresses.
Getting the right size bra's was a pain in the ass, apparently you have to order a size 34DD.
That sucks tarts.

Sitting at the food court, eating my Mc donalds, I suddenly get a urge to look up.
Standing at the jewelry shop to my left, is prince Jovan of the asshole vampire race.
Luckily if I'm in shit, which always happens, I have my military handgun.
And a few stakes.
Double caramel shit.
Looking down so fast that I almost get whiplash, I try to put my shopping bags in front of my face whilst watching him.
He appears to be buying jewelry for his fiancé.
He's scowling at the jeweler, talking in hushed tones.
The man pales, his eyes wide and you can from a mile he's sweating like a show pig.
Rushing to get a bag for the ring and bracelet Jovan bought for his leech, he trips and falls hitting his head on the glass display.
Jovan reacts so fast, its Luke a blur going down, and the next moment there's a lady with her son walking past, having noticed what he's actually doing, she screams her head off and grabs her son and runs like a bat from hell.
People all around start screaming, letting everything they have with them fall and run like hell.
Thud! Oh my god, did a bloody French fry just hit me in the face?
What the hell.
Jumping up, pissed as hell that I couldn't finish my lunch. I take my shopping bags and run to the nearest shop.
Standing inside, I can see Jovan on the jeweler, sucking and biting the poor man.
His fiancé has joined too I see.
Shit, debating if I should bolt and save my shoes or if I should stay and fight, I chose the latter.
Hiding my bags, taking out my handgun I start aiming for the leeches, Shooting Jovan in the neck.
His girlfriends head whips up to see who shot at her man, trying to see me.
I duck and hide behind a clothes rack, peeking at them again, I see her trying to get Jovan to stand, having no such luck.
He won't die though, he will only have a shithead of a headache tomorrow and probably for the next week.
Serves his right for his fallen soldiers who broke my precious shoes.
I hide and wait to see what's going to happen next, whilst thinking of my broken shoes, I hardly notice the she devil appearing in front of my face.
Looking at her appearance I laugh.
Bimbo mini skirt, bright red hair, small little breasts and a feather jacket with pimp boots.
God does this woman not know what fashion is?
She has the vampire princes balls in her hands, Yet she doesn't even buy decent clothes.
Kicking me with her boots, I duck and roll to the left.
Grabbing a bra, I run to the right and push the bra over her head, trying to get a death grip.
With a bra.
Oh caramel tarts, why couldn't it have been a silver bat or stake just laying around..
Laughing at me, she grabs my arm and flings me against the racks, super running towards me and hits me in the ribs, over and over she hits me, kicks my stomach and punching my face.
Bloodied. Bruised and angry, I stand up and look at the smirking vampire, rage boiling my system to bursting flames, Seeing red.
I feel pins and needles all over my body, scorching hot fire dances all along my skin and instinct taking over.
I lift my hand, and for a second I smile, and then black energy shoots from my hands towards the wide eyed girl.
Hitting her right in the chest, screaming she falls to the floor,
I smell burned flesh, the screaming gets louder, the smoke so heavy I can't even see whats happening.
And then the screaming stops.
I look and I see a sight I will never forget, nor can forget.
She's laying on the ground, dead and burned to crisp.
I mean really burned to crisp.
I have only ever seen a vampire burn in the sun, and it looked exactly like this vampire does.
I burned her with my black energy.
Walking closer, I look her over and see not a ounce of clothes left.
Only burned flesh, even her hair is gone.
Limping back out of the store, I look for Jovan.
But he's gone. Just vanished into thin air.
Shit, I forgot to mention he has certain powers.
Which include super fast running, strength not even a werewolf alpha can hold and blood lust like no other.
That's why he couldn't resist the jeweler's blood.
I have to get out of here fast, before he returns with back up.
Then all of this new power I discovered will go to waste.
Limping with my bags to my car, I sigh, I have to call father and ask him what the hell just happened.

Reign Of Vampires ( Book One Of The Reign Series)Where stories live. Discover now