*Chapter Sixteen*

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A/N: Dedicated to scarlettwolf34.

Tell me this is just a bad dream,
Please tell me its not as bad as it may seem.
Tell me I haven't lost sight,
Tell me its just a dark night.
You were once my obsession,
You healed My bad depression.
Do you hear me call?
Will you catch me when I fall?
I need to know what you'll say,
My love show me the way.
My tears turned into rain,
Feel my pain.
I'm falling,
I'm calling,
Save me from this dark world.
Feel my sad song,
I used to believe you were here all along.
But boy was I wrong.
Forgive me for my mistake,
The mistake I had to make.
Promise we'll never part,
Don't break my heart.
I feel left behind,
Please tell me I didn't lose my mind.
I hate this life,
We can hardly survive.
If I were to lose you,
Who knows what I'll do.
I've loved you from the start,
In days you stole my heart.
Grab my waist tight,
So I never lose sight.
Tell me this is just a bad dream.

ritten by beautiful_Me.

Upon opening my eyes, I swear in bright colours.
The sun is shining on my face, in two weeks this is the first time the sun is actually shining.
Yesterday's bite was so bad I've gotten an infection, I haven't had a bath in two weeks and I've barely even eaten.
My skin is pale my eyes are dark brown underneath with bags shining like diamonds.
My leg is healed but still sore.
Hearing footsteps approach me, I look up from my sitting position and see Jovan making his way over to me.
Scowling at him with a death glare, he doesn't even falter in his steps.
Looking down I hear a thud and see he tossed something to me.
Studying the object on the floor, he squats and clears his throat.
Ignoring him flatly I look away.
"You should put that on your bite mark, it looks nasty."
Whipping my head towards him, glaring at him full force now.
"Why the hell do you care? Its your fault in the first place asshole."
Seeing him smirk makes me infuriated.
"Because witch, your punishment is done. You'll be my personal slave now. And I do mean personal slave."
I hoped that I would peacefully die out here but like always karma just laughed at me.
Staying quiet he takes that as acceptance.
Getting the keys out of his pocket and unlocking the leash, he takes unleashes me.
Getting up on wobbly legs I follow him inside.
He better watch his back, when I've eaten and had a good nights rest I will get my revenge eventually.
We pass the grand second story house and go down to the basement.
Why the hell is he taking me here?
Taking the last step, I can see past his tall frame that we've come to an old door, locked.
Jovan unlocks it and steps inside, following him in I see two small beds the size of children's beds.
No windows inside, only one bathroom to the left with a small old bath and a toilet.
To the right side there's a small double closet.
Is this supposed to be my room?
And why is there two beds?
"Why's there two beds and enough space in the closet for two girl's clothes?"
Smirking hr turns around and stares at the small beds.
"Because there was another girl, but unfortunately she was drained two days ago. Now if you  open the closet you will find your dress and shoes and make up. I expect you to bath because god you stink and dress then you will knock on the door and be escorted to me."
Fury coats my mind, the bastard just brushed off killing an innocent girl like last weeks spaghetti.
Turning around he speeds off and the door snaps shut.
Hearing the lock, I sigh.
Time to play slave then.
Taking a long bath, I head to the closet and I nearly break off the door when I see what he expects me to wear.
That arrogant leech!
He wants to play games?
I'll show him a game when I get my chance.
Lifting the thing classified as a dress, I scowl.
Its a small red dress and heels.
Its so short its not even considered a dress.
Karma I really freaking hate you!
"Dressing" myself and applying a bit of make up, I make my way to the door and knock.
I guess I'll get this over with then.
The door opens and I see a smug looking male leech, dragging his red eyes slowly up and down my body with a huge smirk.
How I wish I could stab his eyes out. Sigh.
Turning around upon seeing my glare, he gestures for me to follow him. So I do.
Going up all the way to the second floor we stop in front of what seems to be the throne room.
Stepping inside all eyes turn to me.
Not showing my disgust, I Waltz to Jovan.
"You said I must find you. Now what the bloody hell must I do?"
Looking me over he smiles approvingly.
"I see you listened, hmm suits you my pet. Now you sit on my lap and we watch the trials."
Not getting a second to curse at the idiot, I'm being pulled up and placed in his lap.
Feeling his excitement makes me scowl at the ground.
Disgusted is all I can feel, being used as a pet by the bastard who killed Damon.
Commotion outside of the catches my attention, and I momentarily forget the position I'm placed upon.
Watching as a young man is dragged into the room, I gasp in surprise.
What the hell is a human doing here?
Dragging him screaming profanities, trying to kick and get lose.
Seeing a tall and old vampire stand up and I mean really old, dressed in a black cloak, I'm curious to understand what's going on.
Jovan said trials, does that mean this guy will get punished like me?
"Today my prince, the council stand before you with charges against this mongrel, he has killed 25 of our soldiers raiding the town of Pretoria. Your Highness he has sided with werewolf's and they have killed many of us! We ask for death upon this traitorous mongrel. Will you grant your people his blood majesty?"
What? Maybe he knows where dimmitri is, death?
What! No they can't kill him, they have slaughtered nearly half of the humans already and this rat asks for his death?
Fucking fantastic!
Turning my head to see what Jovan will say, I wait in expense.
"Yes Mortare, I grant you my permission."
Gawking at him, I whip my head towards the man.
Pity and fury turning in my stomach.
I see the old vampire jump up from his red seat and speed towards the guy.
Please don't do this!
Come on!
"Wait! I'll do whatever you ask of me if you spare his life. Use him as one of the salves. Give him the same punishment you gave me. Just please don't do this!"
I scream so loud I bet their ears are bleeding with the super hearing they have going.
The vampire halting in front of the man, he looks up at me in so much hate I suddenly feel save in Jovan's arms.
Looking at Jovan, I wait and wait and wait.
When I think all hope is lost, he suddenly speaks making me so happy I could fly.
"Very well. My pet has offered me something I cannot refuse. You are to face punishment and one week of beatings. When your punishment is done you will become my slave. Trials dismissed."
The guy slumps and takes a breath of fresh air.
Looking up at me he gives me a relieved smile, but the smile soon turns into a confused look when he sees me on jovans lap.
Giving him a reassuring smile, I turn to Jovan and dread replaces the happiness I just felt.
What have I gotten myself into?
Who knows what he has in store for me now?
Looking down, he stands up and drags me towards who knows where.
Glancing back at the guy, I notice they have already left with him.
At least I saved a life and that is all that matters to me now.
Lost in thought I hardly notice where I am now, but when I do my eyes widen.
I'm standing in a bedroom.
In his bedroom and the look I receive is not one that I would want to see on any other leeches face ever again.
"Undress slowly, bend and call me master. You said anything. And I want to fuck you so hard you will barely be able to walk after this."
Gulping with wide eyes, fear running through every cell in my body and dread paralyzing me to the spot.
He wants this?

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