My vampire husband.

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Deep in the woods my dream man thrives, but the thing is my dream man isn't normal. He doesn't eat food or drink beverages. The thing is my dream guy isn't really a dream because not only is he real, but he is my fiancé. I found out last night....

It was the middle of the night and there was a knock at the door. I shuffled out the bed and opened it. I opened the door to my boyfriend's smiling face, eyes red with hunger, some substance dripping down his mouth. Then he spoke. "Hey baby." He has fangs. He at once noticed the uneasiness my posture and asked "Umm can you invite me in?"

I didn't respond.

" Ohh c'mon" then his eyes became bright red. "I'll be back.". He left and came back within second, I spotted a struggling rabbit in his palm. His looked up at me and his eyes became softer, then as his gazed return to the animal, his iris's became black once again and his skin became paler.

" I wanted you to know sooner, but I couldn't drag you into this world". He bite into the rabbit, seemably appearing to be draining something out of the rabbit.

He tore his fangs out, threw the rabbit outside and wiped his mouth.

He walked in.

I wasn't scared for some reason. The more I was near him the more I knew he wasn't going to hurt me.

My boyfriend stood 2 inches away and stared at my face, trying to read my emotions. I attempted to keep a calm face and sat down at the counter. We stared at each other for about ten minutes.

"So are you some kind demon"

"No, I'm a... vampire"

"How come you didn't tell me".

He moves towards me, I can tell he is trying not to hurt me, but I still hesitate.

He brushes his arms against my side and grabs my hand with a firm grip. All that time I knew him I never realized how strong he is.

"I'm telling you this now because I have an important question."

"What is it?" I say, closing the space between us. I'm not scared of him anymore.

His usual pale face turns red as he attempts to utter the words. "Will you marry me?" The world seemed to stand still as he asked me this . Did I still want to marry my only love even though I know the truth?

"Yes" Though he is differen, my love exhausts all his flaws. In some ways... It made him even more romantic. I was always wondering why he still looks nineteen when he's supposedly twenty five.

I guess at least now I know...

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