Attacked by thoughts

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Both halves of the family were uncertain with what result would come to their discovery, but hoped for the best.

Sony sat in his room outlining his fingernails with his thumb roughly. Unable to concentrate on anything else, he hasn't left his room all day. Why would he? All his problems are inside of him not out there.

Sam was the happiest of the bunch as he feels the relief of his parent's well-being tend to his calmness.

Sarah of course had other questions like why was her mother human? It's impossible for her to have any other creature, yet her she is walking around with a beating heart.

That's how the triplets day started and ended, wondering if connecting with their parents would be a wise decision to make.

Other than worrying about the triplets, Amy's excitement grew for her birthday today. The day she will finally be able to tell herself that she will be with Lucas forever.

A vampire bite as you probably know, contains venom that kills the victim then revives them. Amy's considered every aspect of immortality and forgot about the 'blood' part.

She woke up to the pale bare back of her husband. She blinked a few dozen times and decided to start her birthday. So she did...

Grabbing clothes off her dresser Amy headed to the shower to clean up. Afterwards, she placed a white V-neck, white skinny jeans and a blue jean jacket on the board to be ironed.

Amy zoned out on the activity she was performing and focused on her children. After all the things she's experience Amy couldn't help but smile. Sure they attacked her but when they realized who she was, they left her unharmed. That has to mean something. Right?

Amy continued to ponder on her thoughts as she unknowingly glided the iron across her clothes and it hits the tip of her thumb.

"Shit!" Amy sweared, as she dropped the iron and headed to this bathroom. This woke Lucas instantly. He used his speed to run to the bathroom where his wife was suffocating her stinging finger.

"What? What happened?" Lucas frantically asked, his voice bellowing with concern.

Honestly Amy has hurt herself a lot since she found her children were alive yesterday.

"Nothing I'm good."

Lucas looked into her eyes before pulling the reddish- purple finger out of her suffocating clutch.

"Really Amy? What happened this time?"

"I was distracted" She responded, shrugging her shoulders. She raised her hands to her face and sighed at the blemishes decorating the palm of her hand.

"Amy!" He growled at her.

"Sorry?" I said sarcastically, It's not like it's his skin.

"What was it this time?" He asked, guiding my finger under the water faucet.

"Lucas is it me or do you miss them." I asked as he sucked on my finger, healing it with his spit. Disgusting I know, but you get used to it.

He sighed removing my finger from his mouth, the finger now fully healed, but He in return was fully wounded.

"I don't know they seem... different." He responded while I grabbed some wet bobby pins off the counter, he watches me.

"But their still our kids." I said in return, placing them strategically in my hair as I put it into a bun.

"Amy there's something I didn't tell you." I turn to face him. There's always a secret between us. "They aren't half vampires anymore. They seem to have been turned into full vamps."

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