Chapter 5: Lunch

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It's still the beginning of the season and Yuzuru isn't due to head to competition till the end of September. I've already started taking my online language classes. Sometimes I talk to Javier to get some help with my Spanish. He told me I'm already doing so well.

I'm currently at the rink watching Yuzuru practice his short program. The music is a song from Prince. Yuzuru doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to listen to Prince, but I can't really judge a book by its cover. I've had to tell
him twice to practice his step sequence. He keeps telling Coach Brian that he wants to practice jumps but Coach Brian has other plans.

"Yuzuru, come off the ice. It's lunch time," Coach Brian says motioning for Yuzuru to come to the exit of the rink.

"Okay," Yuzuru replies in his strongly-accented English.

Yuzuru comes off the ice and towards me as I have his bag and other practice material next to me. He pulls out a bento box from his backpack. Javier comes up behind Yuzuru and put an arm around his neck. I smile at them. I've observed their friendship since I've started working here and they're so great together despite any language barriers.

"Hey Marie, want to have lunch with us?" Javier asks me as I get up to leave for the lunch break.

"Uh, sure," I reply smiling.

Javier smiles back at me while Yuzuru gives me a blank stare. It's not a mean one, but it looks like he doesn't know what to think when he looks at me. Ever since I started working at the Cricket Club, Yuzuru doesn't really talk to me. Sure, he tells me things he wants to be translated but that's really the extent of our conversations.

I follow Javier and Yuzuru as they go to the eating area outside of the rink. We all pull out our lunches and place them on the table. We see that we have all brought lunches from home and laugh. After we're done laughing, we tuck into our lunches.

"Hey chica," Javier says to me. "What are you eating?"

"It's Pancit*," I reply showing it to Javier. "Mom makes it all the time. But this time I made it. It's a very popular dish back in the Philippines."

"I've never heard of that before. Can I try some?"

"Of course."

Javier takes his fork and takes some of the Pancit. He puts it in his mouth and eats it. His eyes lights up at the taste of the Pancit. I give a little giggle at Javier's reaction.

"Bueno*! That's so good, Marie," Javier exclaims. I let him take another fork full. "Yuzu, you've got to try it."

"Is that okay?" Yuzuru asks with his heavily-accented English.

"Of course, Yuzuru," I say offering my Pancit to him. "I love to share my food with anyone who wants to try it."

Yuzuru takes his chopsticks and grabs some of the Pancit. He puts it in his mouth and starts to chew. His eyes light up and a big smile graces his face. He practically loses his eyes when he smiles. That's so cute.

"Sugoi*," Yuzuru murmurs. I motion for him to grab more and he rightfully does so.

"It's just something I have almost every week. What you're supposed to do is squirt some lemon on it and mix it in," I explain to the guys as I do the actions. I had a little container with a lemon slice in my lunch bag. I use my extra fork to feed Javier some as he was eyeing my food heavily. Yuzuru almost looks jealous before I repeat the same action for him. He happily accepts the food. Both guys looks extremely satisfied with the food.

"Chica, you need to make us lunch everyday if Filipino food is that great," Javier jokes laughing. Yuzuru nods his head, focusing back on his own lunch.

"I'd love to make you guys lunch," I say, meaning it. "My mom always said I'd be a great wife 'cause I love to cook and feed anyone who is hungry."

"Really now? You hear that, Yuzu? Haven't you always said you like girls who can cook?"

A blush goes across his face as Javier teases him. I don't know why he's blushing. It's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything. He has nothing to be embarrassed about. It's okay to like girls who cook.

"That's true," Yuzuru mumbles as he eats his own food.

Javier gives me a wink and I giggle at him. I give Yuzuru's shoulder a comforting pat and continue eating. I like spending time with the guys. They're a lot of fun.

"So do you cook all the time?" Javier asks me returning to his own lunch.

"From time to time," I answer back. "My mom taught my sister and I how to cook all different kinds of dishes back home so we could feed our own selves one day and then be able to feed our own families as well."

"Could you cook for us one day? I'd love to try more Filipino food."

"I'll do it if that's okay with all of you. What do you think, Yuzuru?"

Yuzuru is still focusing on his food when he say, "I'm okay with that."

I smile at his response while I eat my Pancit. I wouldn't mind cooking for the lot. I know they would appreciate since they've had Filipino food. That would a treat for them.


Foreign words:
Pancit: a thin-noodle dish with meat and vegetables mixed in it.
Bueno: good
Sugoi: great

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