Chapter 20: Helping

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It's time to see Ricky off as it's already been a month since Ricky came here. It's time for him to go back home. I made sure to pack his balikbayan box* full of with food from Canada and many pasalubong* for his family and friends back home. Lord knows he doesn't know how to pack his own balikbayan box. Something he had to make sure he brought back was maple syrup. It's such a stereotypical thing here in Canada, but it's a staple for sure.

My family and I drive Ricky to the airport as he dropped off his rental car yesterday. All he has is one balikbayan box, one suitcase, and his backpack as his carry on. It's a good thing he's allowed to bring two large luggage. He doesn't need to bring back anymore anyways. He'll be back in less than a year so he can get those things again.

Sarah meets us at the terminal that Ricky is departing from. My family says their goodbyes before heading back to the car. We already checked in his large luggage as soon as we got to the terminal and that went smoothly. I allow myself to say goodbye before Sarah so they can have a moment alone.

"You're going so soon," I say as I give Ricky a hug. "It feels like you just got here."

Ricky hugs me back. He pulls away with a smile on my face. "I'll be back before you know it."

"Yeah. I know. You better tell me everyone that I said hi and that I miss them."

"I will. I'm sure everyone will be happy to hear from you. They will love their pasalubong."


Ricky pulls me into another hug. He whispers into my ear, "Don't be afraid to fall for someone here. I think there is someone waiting for you."

I pull away with a confused look on my face. Ricky just smiles at me before saying goodbye again. What could that mean? Who could possibly be waiting for me? I don't have many friends here. Just Javier and Yuzuru. But Javier is taken. And Yuzuru... He's pretty much my boss as well as my friend. He wouldn't want a girl like me. He's too special of a person to want someone as plain and ordinary as me. Yuzuru can't be the one Ricky is talking about. He can't be. I've never thought of Yuzuru as anything more than a friend. And I'm pretty sure he feels the same way too. And he wouldn't want to date me. We're just friends. I know everyone teases us about liking each other, but they've got it all wrong.

I say goodbye to Ricky and Sarah one last time as I leave them alone so they can say their goodbyes. I head back to my family as they are waiting for me in our family car. Once I'm in, we head away from the airport. I'm at the edge so I watch the scenery. Ricky's comment plagues my mind.

I head over to the Cricket Club even though I asked for the day off. I know Yuzuru will be there getting ready for the NHK Trophy, which we'll be leaving for next week. I greet Claire as I walk into the rink. I walk over to Coach Brian who is standing near the benches instead of on the ice.

"Hi Coach Brian," I greet him as I slide in next to him.

"Marie! I'm so glad you're here!" Coach Brian exclaims. "I was going to call you to have you come in today, but I didn't want to disturb you. But I'm glad you're here now. I need you to talk to Yuzuru for me. He seems out of it today. I don't know if it's nerves or something but he isn't landing any of his jumps today and I can't seem to motivate him. Please go talk to him."

"Okay. I'll do my best."

I turn to Yuzuru who is going through his step sequence for his free skate. He looks over in my direction with a confused expression. I motion for him to come over. Coach Brian leaves my side, saying that he'll leave us alone to talk. I stand up and walk to the edge of the platform so Yuzuru doesn't have to step off the ice.

"What are you doing here?" Yuzuru asks me as he comes up to me.

"I decided to swing by after dropping Ricky off at the airport. How are you? Coach Brian told you weren't focusing today. Said you weren't landing jumps. Is something wrong?" I question him with concern. I place a hand in his shoulder in a comforting way.

Yuzuru hangs his head down as if ashamed of himself. "It's true. I haven't been landing jumps all session. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just want everything to be perfect."

I squeeze Yuzuru's shoulder and he looks me in the eyes. I lean forward and wrap my arms around him as best as I can as he is taller than me. Yuzuru puts his arms around me as well. I lean my head into his shoulder making sure it is a tight, but comforting hug.

"You put too pressure on yourself, Yuzu," I murmur into his shoulder. "You don't have to be perfect all the time. You just need to be yourself and everything will come naturally. Don't be afraid to fail. It's not going to hurt anyone. Just do what you love and everyone will love it too."

I pull away from the hug. Yuzuru looks down at me and into my eyes. I look back with a calm, reassuring expression. He pats my head and I laugh softly at his action. I smile and he smiles back. I motion for him to go back to the ice. He only does so after giving me a deep bow, which I return. Sometimes you forget how fragile a heart can be even when you're meant to be so strong.


Foreign Words

Balikbayan box: a box filled with items one would bring to it from the Philippines. The items can range from bulk foods to clothing to souvenirs.
Pasalubong: souvenirs meant for friends and family.

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