Chapter 35: Questions

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Once back inside, it feels like the house has gone silent. I don't here anyone talking so I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I walk over to the living room to see my parents have gathered there as if waiting for me.

"Okay, one question at a time," I say to my parents as I sit in the love seat in front of them.

"Do you really like him?" My mother asks.

"I really do, mom. I spend so much time with him and he is such a sweet guy."

"He's like your boss though," my dad interjects. "Isn't that mixing business and pleasure?"

"His coach is okay with me dating them. He actually wanted us to get together."

"Do you plan on marrying him? Is he courting you?" my mother butts back into the conversation.

"I don't know, mom. We're so young and he doesn't do courting. I want to be able to date him without the pressure of having to get married right away. He's at the peak of his career and doesn't have time to think about marriage."

"But he has time to date you?" My dad questions me.

"He does cause that's all we're doing. I'm with him everyday so I spend a lot of time with him. It's not like I would ever put myself before his career. I am still his translator after all. "

"We're just look out for you, anak. You're getting older now and you should be getting married soon. Would you marry him if he was courting you?" my mother asks softly.

"I don't know, mom. He is still rising in his sport and I don't want to think about the day that he stops. We're both so young and it might be years before we even think of marriage. I just want to live my life a little before I even start a family."

"Well, we can't exactly stop you from living your life at this age. But just know you'll have to make the decision sooner or later."

"Okay. But can you just be happy for me right now?"

"We're glad you have found someone. But we're just concerned about your future."

"My future will be fine. It's the present now. Let's just focus on that."

I walk out of the living room and back to my room. I lie on my bed looking up at the ceiling. There's so many questions my parents are asking that I know won't be answered right at this very moment and it frustrates me. I just started taking Yuzuru and I don't know where it will take us. We're still so young and I don't want to think about marriage. I'm sure it doesn't cross Yuzuru's mind often. Why should it mine? Then my phone starts to ring. I pick it up to see Yuzuru calling me. I take the call.

"Hi," is his simple greeting.

"Hey Yuzu," I reply not even trying to disguise my sad tone.

"What's wrong? Did something happen after I left?"

"My parents were just asking a lot of questions and they kept bringing up marriage and if I am going to marry you. I know that's so soon in our relationship, but in my culture we kind of have to date to marry. But I don't want to think about that right now. I just want to have fun and be with you. I don't want to force you to think about something neither of us are ready for."

"Mai. I understand that's your culture. I'm not discouraged by that. I don't know where we'll end up in the future, but I am happy to spend my time with you now."

"You always have such a way with words, Yuzuru. I promise, my parents do like you. They just don't want me wasting my time. But I would never think of you as a waste of time. You mean so much to me and I'm so happy we're together now."

"As I am, Mai. Every moment with you is never a waste. And I can't wait to spend more with you. You're coming with me to 4 Continents right?"

"I wouldn't miss it. Who else will be there for you when you get off the ice?"

"Good. Now, I've met your family and had dinner with them. When are you having dinner with my mother and I?"


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