Chapter 34: Family

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"So you're going out with an Olympic gold medalist?" My sister, Mary, questions me skeptically.

"Yes, yes I am," I confirm confidently. She decided to wait till the next day to question me about Yuzuru.

"Let me see a performance of his."

I pull out my phone and open up my YouTube app. I search his short program from the NHK Trophy. I put the video to full screen as I show it to my ate. I make sure to put the volume up so the music can play. We watch the video. It's weird watching it on a screen when I've seen it live. It almost loses it's luster. At the end of the video, I look at my sister and she has no reaction on her face. Then she turns to me.

"And he's also the guy you translate for?" Mary asks me. "You've had to leave to days at a time because of him."

"Yes. It's kind of nice being able to travel with him all over the world," I answer thinking about all of the place I've gotten to go to just because of Yuzuru. I smile to myself.

"Well, just from that smile alone, I can tell that he makes you happy. I've never seen such a smile on your face, ading*, and you smile a lot. So I give my approval. But when are you going to bring him to meet mom and dad?"

"I'll do it soon. He was sick over the holidays so I wanted to bring him over when he was healthy."

"Have you met his family yet?"

"Just his mother. His father and sister are back in Japan. He's just here for training."

"So he's not here permanently?"

"As far as I know, no."

"How long do you plan on working for him? Isn't it weird that he's pretty much your boss and your boyfriend?"

"I don't think so. I'm so thankful for opportunities he's given me. I'd love to keep working for him even though we're dating."

"Does he plan on courting you? Are you going old school with this?"

"No. I told him already about courting and I said he doesn't have to do it. I don't want to be so traditional anymore."

"Well you need to talk that over with mom and dad. You know they only want what's best for you."

"And hopefully they'll come around on this."

"We'll have to see."

I managed to tell my parents that I have someone they need to me so they set up this large dinner for us. I also told them to wear nice clothing. My mom and dad were pretty suspicious then, but didn't ask any questions. Now it's the night that I asked Yuzuru to come and meet my family.

As soon as the food was finished and placed on the table, I get a text from Yuzuru saying he's at my front door. I rush over to it so I can open it before anyone else. I see Yuzuru is in a nice white button down shirt and black slacks. He just happened to match my black and white striped dress. We both look down at each other's outfit and start laughing.

"Someone needs to change," I say jokingly.

Yuzuru looks confused at my statement. "I can't go home now!" he exclaims.

I shake my head as he doesn't understand the joke. "It's just a joke, Yuzu. It's okay. Let's go meet my family."

I grab Yuzuru's hand so I can take him to the dinning room where my family is already seated. I pull him in there and all conversation stops. My parents look at Yuzuru in confusion, but notices I'm holding his hand. My mom sports a smile while my dad is still confused. I can tell by the way Mary is staring at Yuzuru that she is analyzing him and Mateo is just happily smiling. He's a very happy kid.

"Nanay, Tatay," I say grabbing their attention. "This is my boyfriend, Yuzuru Hanyu."

Yuzuru bows to them respectively. "It is an honor to meet you," he greets them in his strongly accented English.

Both my parents stand up. Both my parents offer to shake Yuzuru's hand and Yuzuru returns the favor. He also bows and greets my siblings who just nod and wave. My dad is seated at the head of the table with my mom on his left. I sit Yuzuru on my dad's right and I sit next to him on his right. Mary is sitting at the other end of the table and Mateo is sitting right across from me.

"So how long have you two been dating?" My mother asks as we start digging into the food. I explain what most of them as to Yuzuru as fix him a plate upon his request. Yuzuru thanks the gods for his meal before he eats as it's traditional for his people.

"One month, Vincenté-san," Yuzuru replies before I can even open my mouth. But it would be good for him to talk so my parents get to know him.

"You don't have to be so formal with us, Yuzuru. You can just call me Auntie."

"Oh, erm... Okay, Auntie."

"And how did you guys meet?" my father asks.

"Um... Mai is my translator so we hang out a rot."

"You're the world famous figure skater she's been traveling everywhere with?"

"Yesh. She does wherever I go."

"Interesting. And you an Olympic gold medalist?"

"Yes, sir."

"Okay then."

My family proceeds to ask him more questing as the dinner wears on. I try to help Yuzuru when he has difficultly answering in English. Yuzuru loves all the food my mom made and makes sure to thank for the meal. My mom ends up giving him three Tupperwares to bring home. After we are done eating, it is time for Yuzuru to leave. He bids everyone a goodbye before I walk him to the door. I make sure to step outside so we can have a proper goodbye. We wrap our arms around each other in a hug.

"You did so well," I inform him. I pull away slightly so I can look up at him. "I think they liked you."

"How will you know if they really do?" Yuzuru asks nervously.

"I'll probably get an earful when I go back inside. Filipinos are notorious for gossiping."

"Oh. Okay."

"Well, it's getting late. You should drive back now."

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course."

Yuzuru leans down and kisses my lips. I kiss him back as I pull him closer to me. We kiss for a little while just enjoying one another. It's Yuzuru who's first to pull away.

"Till tomorrow," Yuzuru says kissing my forehead.

"Bye, Yuzu," I say untangling myself from his body. "Let me know when you're home. And don't forget to refrigerate the food."


I wave by to Yuzuru as he walks over to his little car. I watch him drive off before heading back inside. To face the firing squad.

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