Chapter 37: Late

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I rush down the street on the way to the Cricket Club. It's been a month since Yuzuru's birthday and we finally have some time before Yuzuru's next competition so I can make him a nice birthday surprise. I have a bag filled with everything I need to surprise him at the rink. I already told Coach Brian about my plans so that is why I'm late to Yuzuru's practice. He's been texting me all morning about my whereabouts. But I have been avoiding answering him. I woke up at 6 am just to get everything ready. Now it is 12:30 pm and I'm finally done.

I make it to the Cricket Club in record timing. I wave to Claire and make my way to my special bench so I can set everything up. I already told Coach Brian to shoo Yuzuru out of the rink by the time I get there so I can set everything up. I see that he's not there and must be with Javier as he's not there as well. Coach Brian and some of his other skaters are in the ice. Coach Brian comes up to me with a bright smile.

"You got everything?" Coach Brian asks while I start pulling things out of my large bag.

"Mhmm. Enough for everyone here and for Yuzuru to take some back home," I answer curtly as I focus on setting everything up in the right way. "Where are the boys?"

"Javier make up a story about losing something in the men's locker room so that where they are now."

"Great. Will they be back soon? I'm almost done."

"I'm shooting Javier a text right now. Done! They're on their way back now."

Coach Brian, Coach Tracy, their skaters that I am well acquainted with, Claire; who I told to come in for this; and I wait by the door where Coach Brian told Javier to go through so we can surprise Yuzuru. I hear their voices as they get closer to the door. Javier comes through the door first and then Yuzuru comes in.

"Happy belated birthday!" We all shout at him.

Yuzuru has a surprised look on his face, then a wide smile crosses his face. He sees me holding a cake in the middle of the small crowd. "Thank you, everyone!" he says to all of us. He bows deeply to us.

"You should give more thanks to your girlfriend here," Coach Brian informs him as he motions me forward. "She set all of this up for you."

"Aw... Mai." Yuzuru wraps his arms around me with the cake squished in-between us. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, Yuzu," I reply back. "I promised you I would make your birthday special. Sorry it took over a month to get there though."

"It's okay. You did your best and I truly appreciate it."

"Good. Now who wants some cake?"

The small crowd cheers as I place the cake down on a mini table Coach Brian brought out for me. I cut the cake and give everyone a slice. There is still enough left over for Yuzuru to bring home for him and his mother. Everyone compliments about the cake as I had baked and decorated it myself. As much as I love learning new languages, I also love to bake and my mother taught me how to bake her signature cake, marble mocha. Yuzuru and I are sitting down on my bench eating a slice of cake together.

"Thank you so much, Mai," Yuzuru days gratefully kissing the side of my head.

"You're welcome," I tell him. "The smile on your face is thanks enough."

"You've made it so much better. I'm glad you did this all for me."

"I'd do this for you every year if possible."

"You're too kind. And you might make me fat."

"Eh. Like I said before. You could use a couple pounds."

"Mai! That's not funny."

"I'm not laughing, am I?"

"Mai! No!"

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