Chapter 44: Playful

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Today Yuzuru, Javier, Coach Brian, Coach Tracy, and I have come all the way to Helsinki for the World Championship. This is the last event of the season and it is also a qualifier for the Pyeongchang Olympics. A lot of top competitors will be here. And Yuzuru is gunning for the top this time. Javier is currently the champion of this competition and wants to hold onto the title.

"Chica, can you help me for a second?" Javier asks me as he comes up to me while Yuzuru and Javier are at practice.

"Yes, Javi? What do you need help with?" I question him.

"Can you tell your boyfriend to stop hiding my things around the rink? I can't find my water bottle or my tissue box and I know he hid it somewhere."

I roll my eyes as my lovely boyfriend can't seem to calm down inside the rink. I look around the rink as I try to spot Yuzuru. I see him talking with his fellow teammate Shoma Uno. I wave my hand to get his attention. Shoma sees this and turns to Yuzuru. Shoma points to me and Yuzuru nods his head. He skates over to me with a bright smile.

"Yes, Mai?" Yuzuru asks with a happy voice.

"Yuzuru, can you explain why you are hiding Javi's things around the rink?" I ask him in a serious tone.

Yuzuru frowns for a moment before laughing. "Because I am having fun before we get serious."

"Okay. Well that's fine and dandy, but you need to give him his things back before someone else picks it up and takes it, okay?"

"Okay, Mai. I'm sorry, Javi."

Yuzuru leaves us and skates around the rink. He starts picking up Javier's items from behind the boards. Of course Javier wouldn't be able to see them from the rink. Yuzuru hands them back to Javier and Javier hands them to me for safe keeping.

"Now, we are not going to hide things again, okay?" I say to Yuzuru like a mother scolding her child.

"Yes, Mai," Yuzuru responds obediently before skating off.

"Thank you, Marie," Javier says gratefully. "I don't know what we would do without you here to wrangle our little Yuzu."

"Someone has to do it," I say shaking my head with a smile. "Now get back out there. You have a title to defend."

Javier smiles at me. He tips an imaginary hat to me before skating around the rink. Coach Brian comes over with Coach Tracy as they had to discuss some things with the officials of the ISU.

"How are our boys doing out there?" Coach Brian says putting an arm around my shoulders as he looks out at the ice.

"Well, Yuzuru decided to be a child and hide Javier's items around the rink, making Javier look for them. It wasn't till I told Yuzuru to give back the items did we see where Yuzuru hid them, which was behind the barriers," I explain  to the coaches.

Coach Brian and Coach Tracy chuckle at my little story. They shake their heads at the thought of what happened while they were away.

"You know, that's the very reason why I call them my children. Yuzuru is the younger of the two of them and he definitely acts like it despite him being being a world class skater," Coach Brian says shaking his head.

"You know, he can be mature when he wants to be. But I guess today is not that day," I say sighing. "But I know he has something up his sleeve as he wants to steal this title from Javi."

"Well, he needs to not steal Javi's items first."

"At least that should be over with. I have Javi's items now and Yuzu will not be taking them from me anytime soon."

I laugh as I watch my boyfriend skate around the rink. He comes by every once and a while to have a conversation with Coach Brian and Coach Tracy. Or to just mess around with me, which I will get him back for later on.

Soon we are back at the hotel where all of the competitors are staying at. Yuzuru is inside my room that I'm sharing with Coach Tracy. Coach Tracy had stepped out to talk with Coach Brian about the next couple of days. Yuzuru has his arms wrapped around my waist as we lay on my bed and I'm watching the television. But I pretend like he isn't there.

"Can you please pay attention to me?" Yuzuru whines like a child.

"Why should I?" I tease him. "Someone was acting like a little kid on the ice today."

"I was just having some fun with Javi."

"Okay, but I won't give you the satisfaction of having fun with me. So let me just watch tv in peace."

"Mai, please."

"No, Yuzu. I'm not having it."

Yuzuru sighs but then he gets an idea. He starts to kiss the side of my neck.

"What are you doing back there?" I question the Japanese skater.

"Nothing," Yuzuru mutters into my skin. "Just enjoy."

Yuzuru kisses up and down my neck and it feels pretty good. Being so intimate with Yuzuru always feels good. He never goes any farther than what I'm comfortable with and we both end up enjoying it. I think the tips Javier keeps giving are oddly helping Yuzuru out when it comes to the kissing department. Then Yuzuru nips at my skin behind my ear. I let out a little gasp. Yuzuru stops and looks at me.

"Did that hurt?" Yuzuru asks worriedly.

"No, no. It felt good," I reply back feeling embarrassed.

"Oh. Your reaction worried me there."

"Don't worry. You can do it agai-"

Suddenly the door bursts open and Coach Tracy comes into the room. Yuzuru and I pull apart from each other so we don't look like we're in a compromising position. We don't want to give the wrong idea to his coaches. He still needs to be serious here and I can't take that away from him.

"Hey kiddos. Yuzuru, you need to head back to your room and rest for tomorrow," Coach Tracy informs Yuzuru as she goes to her side of the room.

"Okay," Yuzuru replies. He kisses me on the cheek before getting off my bed. "See you tomorrow."

Yuzuru leaves the room and I turn back to the television not really knowing what I was watching anymore.

"You know, you might want to cover up those love bites before you go to the rink tomorrow," Coach Tracy comments nonchalantly. "The media would have a field day seeing those."

I put my hands to my neck and I hurriedly go to the mirror hanging between our heads. I see a few hickeys at the base of my neck. I blush knowing I've been caught by Coach Tracy for having a little too much fun with Yuzuru. Then I realize that Yuzuru knowingly put those on my neck.

"Yuzuru!" I call out in anger as I glare at the door he just walked through.

"Ah, young love," Coach Tracy laughs as she shakes her head.

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