Chapter 40: Fangirl

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While in the back rooms of the ice arena, I'm with Yuzuru as he warms up for the short program today. I'm just mindlessly going through my phone as I don't need to look at Yuzuru as he warms up. It looks funny anyways and I start laughing out-of-nowhere. Coach finds the situation funny because Yuzuru will stop in the middle of what he's doing and stare at me. Sometimes it's in the most compromising position, too, so it makes me laugh even harder.

"Yuzu, make sure you pull your arms in tighter during your combination jumps," Coach Brian advised Yuzuru as he's practicing his jumps off-ice. Which I also find quite funny-looking. I let a giggle slip.

Yuzuru nods before looking over at me. "Mai, you always laugh when I'm warming up," Yuzuru pouts as I try to stifle my laughs while he starts stretching on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Yuzu," I apologize half-heartedly. "I just find the positions you do comical. I've seen people stretch and warm up, but it's just the way you do it makes me laugh."

"I'm glad you find this funny."

"Oh I do. I know they're good for you, but they just looks so all-over the place."

"Do you suggest I do something else?"

"Nah, this is okay."

Soon Yuzuru is done stretching and starts playing hand ball with Coach Brian. Coach says it's a way to have Yuzuru focus on one thing instead multiple things, much like what he needs to do while skating. When that finishes, a cute guy comes up to us and he definitely looks Filipino. Then I recognize him as the famous Filipino skater, Michael Christian Martinez. I had no idea he would be here. He's like a hero back home.

"Hello Yuzuru," Michael greets Yuzuru.

Yuzuru bows to Michael and Michael bows back. "It is nice to see you again, Michaeru."

"And this must be your lovely girlfriend I've been seeing all over the place. I'm Michael Christian Martinez."

Michael looks at me and smile. I freeze up as I never thought I would meet him and he's huge back in the Philippines. It's like meeting Ann Curtis or Kris Aquino. Yuzuru looks at me in concern as I don't move to greet him. I stand up as I start to spew out word, trying to talk to him.

"Kamusta ka po*. It's so nice to meet you. My name is Marie Vincenté," I manage to get out. "You were so great at the Olympics and we support you so much. My family and I love you."

"Maraming salamat*," Michael says with a smile. I almost swoon at the sight. He opens up his arms for me as if to offer up a hug and I practically jump right on in. I've always felt like Filipinos were more hugging people than just shaking hands. "It's so good to see someone from home. It's rare to see someone from back home in a place like this."

"Well I support you all the way. It's not everyday that we see someone coming from home out here in this sport or any sport for that matter."

"You're too kind. I hope to see you around. But first can we get a picture?"

"Of course. Yuzuru, could you please?"

Yuzuru just nods his head as he takes both phone from us. We take a few picture on my phone and then a few on Michael's. In all of the pictures, Michael has his arm around my waist and I think nothing of it. We check all the pictures once we get our phones back and make sure they're all good. Michael also gets a few pictures with Yuzuru as well. Michael promises to find my social media and follow me back anywhere he can. Yuzuru and I say good-bye to Michael before he goes back to where he came from, which I think is another back room.

I feel like such a fangirl after meeting him. It's very rare that you meet someone so famous from the Philippines. I forgot he was a skater so I didn't think that I would meet him through competitions. But it feels so good to meet him. And he's so much cuter in person. I calm myself down as turn back to Yuzuru. He has a smirk on his face.

"What?" I ask him curiously.

"You're a fangirl for him," Yuzuru muses at me.

"So? What of it?"

"You never fangirled over me when you first met me."

"That's different, Yuzu. I didn't even know you back when I met you. But Michael is huge in the Philippines. And what's the point of fangirling over you when I get to be with you everyday?"

I go over and kiss Yuzuru on the cheek causing him to blush. I smirk at him now. I go back to the bench I was sitting on. Coach Brian gets Yuzuru to focus his attention back on playing handball. I turn back to my phone as I get notifications saying that Michael had followed me back on Instagram. I laugh as I go to post a picture of us together.

Kamusta ka po: how are you?

Maraming salamat: thank you very much

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