Chapter 9

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After a while of chatting with my pokemon a waitress came over to see if I wanted to battle again.

"Yes please. Also can I pick who I battle?" I asked.

"Anything for the Kalos Queen." The waitress's smile grew bigger.

"I would like to battle Ash Ketchum."

"He's here?" The waitress was in complete shock.

"Yes he is here." I rolled my eyes.

"I will tell the referee that you will battle Ash." The waitress ran off while looking around the room.

"Ugh why is Ash so popular?"


"I know Braixen he is a pokemon master now. Anyways I still have to do that program about me being Kalos Queen. Shoot I almost forgot." My pokemon face palmed at me.

"Serena Yvonne and Ash Ketchum please come to the battle field." The announcer blared. 

"Well let's go." Serena got out of the booth followed by her pokemon. 

"Ok you guys know the rules." The ref said.

"Hawlucha I chose you." Ash threw out a pokeball. Hawlucnha came out showing off his muscles. 

"Pancham I chose you." Pancham jumped from Serena's side and onto the battle field. He did a few breakdancing moves before getting into a stance. 

"Serena how about you make the first move." Ash yelled to her.

"I think you should." I shouted back. 

"Alright Hawlucha karate chop." Ash commanded. 

"Pancham stone edge but as a shield." I said doing a little twirl. Pancham slammed his fist into the ground and tall rocks formed around him. Hawlucha used his move to knock down the rocks.

"Hawlucha fly up." Ash told Hawlucha. Hawlucha flew up leaving Pancham alone on the ground. 

"Pancham try to stay calm." I looked and saw Pancham was looking everywhere. 

"Hawlucha flight press." Ash shouted to the sky. Hawlucha started to spin down towards Pancham.

"Pancham dance around don't let them set a target." Pancham danced around the whole battle field confusing Hawlucha. Once Hawlucha set a target it was to lat he hit the ground cause a creator in the battle field. "Pancham shadow ball quick!" I shouted.

"Hawlucha dodge quick." Hawlucha flew up before the shadow ball could reach him.

"Stone edge." Pancham hit the ground and towers of rocks formed. The last one hit Hawlucha. it didn't do much damage but got him a little weak.

"Karate chop now!" Ash screamed. Hawlucha ran towards Pancham to fast for me to call another command. Pancham took the hit square on knocking him out. 

"Pancham return." I returned my trusty pokemon to it's pokeball and walked towards the middle of the battle field. 

"Well done Serena. How about we go get ice cream?" Ask shook my hand. 

"Sure." I couldn't help but blush. 

"Alright let's just pay our bills and go down to the place down the street." 

"Sure" I nodded. I walked off with two of my pokemon be my side.

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