Chapter 10

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Hendrix was already waiting for me in the living room when I woke up. My dad helped me get dressed and I wore my blue acid washed cotton shirt, black camo pants and vans sneakers. I told him to pack my now customized laptop which he did. We went downstairs and I can hear dad’s favorite sit-com airing on TV, the volume at full blast. I heard Hendrix greet me as we passed the living room and went to the kitchen. Dad handed me a turkey sub especially made by him, a blueberry muffin and a chocolate drink. We went back to the kitchen and I can already hear Hendrix’s hearty laughter even before we came in. Dad seated me on the sofa beside Hendrix, handed me a two-hundred peso bill and went upstairs to get showered. The TV show finally ended, and I felt Hendrix shift to my direction.

“So, where to? I had my mom’s car vacuumed and polished especially for you today,” Hendrix asked as he punched me slowly on my thigh.

“The cabin. I need to write about a few things,” I answered.

“Ugh, not again.”

“I wondered what happened to the escort thing. Hmmm,” I replied sarcastically.

“Fine, whatever. Come on, let me help you,” He said as he pulled me upright and led me out of the house. I heard the familiar ‘beep’ of his car when he unlocked the door. He seated me on the front seat, strapped my seatbelt on and tugged it just to make sure it was secure. He then entered the driver’s seat and revved the engine. We drove silently under the warm, summer sun, Hendrix driving at moderate speed. The silence was deafening and I guessed it was because of the accident. I figured he was feeling awkward at the time. I thought about breaking the silence but nothing came on my mind, so I rolled down the window and enjoyed the summer breeze.

After a few minutes we arrived at Rattle Snake Road, stopping by a convenient store for soda and chips along the way. We left the car on the side of the road and trudged the pathway that led to the cabin. It took us more time than the usual to reach the boulder, mainly because of my handicap and partly because his sprain wasn’t fully healed yet.

“I’m sorry if I’m giving you a hard time,” I apologized as we climbed down the boulder.

“Who’s the sissy now?” He answered with a chuckle.

“Are you tired? We can take a rest. Just tell me.”

“No, really, I’m fine. Not even a drop of sweat yet,” He answered confidently, but his grunts and heavy breathing was audible.

We finally reached the clearing and paused to catch our breath. The familiar scent of luscious grass overwhelmed my nose and I smiled. After a few minutes we continued our way to the cabin. Hendrix seated me on the sofa and uncapped two bottles of soda for us both. After a while the familiar tune of his PSP game rang in the air, and I can hear the wails and cries of whoever he was virtually butchering. I pulled out my laptop, asked Hendrix to open the Word software and started to write. 

Three hours passed when Hendrix’s phone rang. I heard him mumble a few words before he hung up. I felt him rise from his seat and move towards me.

“Hey, man, is it okay if we go now? Mom just called me. She’s still in a meeting with her fellow executives, so I need to pick up my brother from music school.”

“Is it okay if I stay here? Will you be able to come back later?” I asked.

“You have to come with me, man. I can’t just leave you here alone. Look, just go with me, and afterwards we can come back.”

“I’m too tired. And besides, I think it’s safe here. There’s no one around.”

“Exactly. There’s no one around. No one to help you in case something comes up.”

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