Chapter 15

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Hendrix dropped me off Rattle Snake Road. He led me to a brush thick enough I was afraid a Pokemon might show up anytime soon. He talked me through the speed dial again and assured me that he’ll be waiting in his car about 10 meters away from the opening that led to the particular road. We argued, of course, since I was afraid the creepy caller might see him and call the rendezvous off, but given Hendrix’s persuading powers, I agreed in the end. He slipped something into my pocket, and when I reached inside I learned that it was a Swiss blade. I wanted to throw it away because I wasn’t really inclined to relying on violence for survival, but in case the Creep-O was a Looney, given my condition it would indeed be better to be safe than sorry.

I heard Hendrix’s car drive away and I was left with deafening silence. I strained my ears for any unusual noise, but all I heard was the soft brushing of leaf against leaf and maybe a couple of crickets jumping around, but none of the noises made by my own species. I reached for my wristwatch and pressed the button at the center—it was an automated voice announcing what time of the day it is—and learned that five minutes have passed. I was getting a little nervous by the minute; cold beads of sweat are starting to form on my forehead as I wiped them away nervously. I reached into my pocket and caressed the Swiss knife like a magical talisman but it offered me no security at all. I breathed in large lumps of air, willing myself to calm down but it was to no avail.

Fifteen more minutes have passed—my trusty wristwatch informed me—but there was still no sign of the Creep-O. I was starting to drift to the edgy side, irritated and growing impatient exponentially. The waiting didn’t matter to me; the anxiousness and excitement of finally knowing where my mother was did. I started to whistle soft tunes just to make the anxiety go away, but it had little effect. I can already feel my knees weaken at that time, so I slowly sat on my heels.

I pulled out my Swiss blade and kept myself busy by pulling the blade out and pushing it in repeatedly, listening to the constant click of the blade as I did. After probably a hundred rounds of pushing and pulling, I decided to check the time. Fifteen more minutes have passed and I was already starting to lose hope. I was about to stand up when I heard a shuffling noise about a meter away behind me. I turned around and took two short, hesitant steps. I was afraid the Creep-O wouldn’t see me with all the brushes, so I started to walk cautiously towards the noise. The Creep-O was probably ten feet away from me, and I was in the verge of fainting with fear and tension. The noise became louder and louder; the sound of crunching leaves mixed with deep breathing slowly swallowing my focus. I stepped on a large rock, probably the size of a tennis ball, making me lose my balance. I stumbled forward and as I did I felt my body collide with something, or someone. I heard a surprised shriek before we came stumbling on the unpaved dirt road. I hit my head on what felt like a small rock and jolts of searing pain came rushing to my head, and because of that I hadn’t noticed that I was lying face down on top of the Creep-O.

“Oh my God, Caleb, you’re bleeding!” Vittoria said, panicked.


“Wait, let me see,” she added as she reached to my forehead.

I felt hot pain sear my forehead, and let out a grunt. I was still a bit disoriented and confused if it really was Vittoria or my disoriented head was just playing games with me.

“Vittoria?” I asked.

“Yes,” she answered, and as she did, the familiar scent of jasmine and wild berries invaded my nostrils. Though I was disoriented, I knew I can’t be wrong. My body confirmed my thoughts, because it shivered in a nice way. I smiled with that.

“What?” she asked, and from the sound of it, I knew she was smiling too.

“Nothing, I just thought you were somebody else—ouch, my head hurts,” I cringed as she touched my forehead.

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