Part 9: Day 3

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I ruffle my hair as I try to find places Blake would hide

"Do you think he would go back to his house?" I ask my gang as we all st in the living room

"Boss," one of them starts "you know what-" I cut him off

"We need to find her!" I tell

"Okay." He says

"We need to split in four different groups and head to these four areas. I'm going to his house and I want my best men and women with me." I say. My gang does not like it when women do not also help, it's her choice to stay behind or join.


I woke up in a bed, I looked at my stomach to see more cuts that were clean. I look around the room and see no one, I try to get up but the pain hurt so much I groaned in pain loudly. I forced myself to get up, I hit the floor and started to crawl holding onto my stomach, I went to the window and tried to open it but the window was built into the walls. I crawled to the bathroom and saw no mirror and no window, I looked under the sink to see a first aid kit I opened it finding a big bandage, I leaned against the cabinet breathing heavily. I opened the bandage and wiped some blood off of me and put it on, I searched through the box and saw a syringe. I crawled back to the bed and hid the needle, Blake walked in and saw I had a bandage

"I see you've found my aid kit and the syringe." He smiles

"There was a syringe?" I say playing along. He gets closer to me and bends down

"Don't tell me you didn't see it?" He scoffed, I grab the syringe and tried to jab him in the neck when he grabbed my wrist. I drop the needle and it falls on the floor "what the hell! I thought you would be to cared to come at me." He sighs in disappointment and gets away from me, I furrow my eyebrows

"What is wrong with you!?" I yell

"I like to see them fight." He chuckles

"You're a fucking psychopath!" I yell

"I know." He smiles

"What do you want from me?" I whisper

"Now, I want you to join my gang. Your quick instinct and fight," he breaths like it's turning him on "I want you to join my gang and become my wife." He says

"Ewe no! You're 40 and I'm younger." I say about to throw up in my mouth

"Mason is 20 and you're 17." He says "I will force you to be my wife and a leader." He said

"Get away from me!" I say moving away from him. I see he has a gun behind him in his belt, I stop moving and he gets closer to me. I grab his gun and get up quickly holding my stomach "give me your phone." I command. He throws his phone at me and I catch it. Even though I've never had a phone with Mason, I remembered his number in case the police came. I call him quickly and he answer

"Blake," he starts

"Mason." I say "please you have to help me." I say

"Emma!" He says excitedly

"Mason, were at a house and I have a gun pointed at him. Just please help me." I say

"Emma, I'm going to need you to shoot him." He said

"What!?" I say "I can't do that." I say

"Yes you can." He said "I'm going to need you to shoot him and then a window if you can see one. I'm going to need you to go out of the window onto the street." He says I exhale

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