Part 36: One Month Later

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I wake up with the lights shining in my eyes. I sit up to see Ash still asleep, I put my hand on his bare chest and shake him.

"Babe, wake up." I say getting out and rubbing the side of my head with my sleeve. I feed Aniease and walk into the kitchen and fix us both toast.

I finally am getting better with support and help from Ash. I gained weight to my liking which was ten pounds more making me 160. I got an art gallery thanks to Matt, he puts up all my work. I finally turned 19, Ash was mad I didn't tell him how young I was when we got married and fought a little. The next day we both said sorry and got over it. I never heard of Lance, Trisha, or Mason. Mason and Lance are in separate jails. I still have suspicions about Nate and Amber has too about him cheating. Me and Ash had been married for two months now. We had a honeymoon already at an amazing cabin near a hot springs. I haven't had a period in a week now, and I threw up one time, but I don't think I'm pregnant. Ash had become the sheriff now. And tonight I have a gallery to set up at Matt's and to sell them off.

We sit at the island silently eating our toast. I was tired of the awkwardness and the weird vibe.

"What's wrong?" I ask Ash "you still can't be mad at me about my age!" I rose my voice slightly.

"When you were seven-teen I was nine-teen, barely legal!" His voice was the same pitch as mine. "You aren't even legal to drink either?" He said "you have a whole life ahead of you too besides me." He says quieter.

"What are you talking about?" I scoff "I love you!" I grab his cheek.

"But you could have anyone you want." He sighed moving his face out of my grip.

"It's just two years apart Ash!" I comment and he looks at me. "We already said sorry about it a week ago!" Since that was when my birthday was.

"How could you not tell me?" He asked "but you can tell me about what Mason has done to you?"

"I told you not to say his name." I look at my plate.

"Fine," he starts but grabs my hand. "But why wouldn't you tell me your age?" He asked again like it was a big deal.

"Because I had to! Okay? Now why do you care so much?" I ask angry.

"Like I said, you were seven-teen, underage for sex when I was nine-teen!" He urged letting go of my hand.

"Well, in legal now, so?" I say to him. He just sighs and puts his plate in the sink.

"I have to go to work." He said.

"Ash," I start and he looks at me "stop being angry at me." I sigh "We aren't suppose to fight, especially about something in the past." I say.

"Love you." He says and leaves. I sigh and grab my plate putting it in the sink forcefully almost shattering it. I go into our room and put on shorts and a tank top going to the gym room, I put my hair into a quick pony-tail. I start to wrap my hands that Ash had and I get in front of the punching bag and start to hit it and with every punch I imagine Masons face, his body, what I done.

I start the water in the shower and strip from my clothes. I step into the shower, the water hitting my back gently. The pelts of water drop from my hair just like rain, I put my hand on the wall by punching it slightly.

I put my damp hair into a bun and put on my clothes. I go into our room and pet Aniease laying on the bed, my phone starts to ring and I pick it up.

"He-" I couldn't finish when someone interrupted

"An inmate from Emerald Institution is trying to call you! Inmate, state your name?" The operator says "Mason." I hear him say his name and I freeze "press one to continue the call pre-" I didn't let her finish when I press one.

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