Part 27: 2 Months Later

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It's been two months. Two months me and Ash been dating, two months I've been to Stanford, two months since I've seen Mason, and three months Trisha has been pregnant. She sent me a letter yesterday, a picture of her ultra sound, her stomach, and her with Lance.

I sit up, awake at six hesitating to read the letter Trisha wrote. I'm in my underwear and bra and Ash is snoring away in my bed, it's Saturday. I'm going to have lunch with Zander today and discuss business. Ash has a little get-together for the people training to become cops and wants me to come.

Two days ago was me and Ash's anniversary for two months and we celebrated with champagne and sex. A warm hand rubs my back and I hear Ash groan.

"What are you doing up early?" Ash's deep voice asks me

"I just couldn't sleep." I say throwing the letter on the floor and cuddling with Ash and so does Aniease (the cat).

"When are you seeing Zander?" He asks

"At a cafe around 11:00." I say starring at the ceiling and petting Aniease

"My thing is around 7:00 at night." Ash says

"We'll make it." I say quietly looking at him to see he's already looking at me.

"Two months." He whispers smiling and I smile too pecking his lips longly.

"When will you graduate and get your first job as a police officer?" I ask intertwining his hand with mine

"In about five to six months maybe." He said quietly and tiredly.

"So long." I chuckle

"You know," he starts "you can drop out of college if you start getting more noticed by other artists." He says and I look at him

"What if it doesn't get far?" I say "then I would be a college drop out and have to work at McDonald's!" Ash chuckles.

"Now, are you going to read that letter or not?" He asks

"How did you know?" I ask he smiles at me

"Because I know you." He says. I let go of his hand and I grab the note and open it up.

'Dear Elena,
The baby and me almost had an accident. I slipped and fell on my stomach, I was rushed to Doc but everything was fine. I'm writing because I think it's safer. I think the cops are gaining on us, Mason said so and is being paranoid. He said you have a boyfriend going into the police force, don't tell him. I have a family to think about.

I crumble up the paper and throw the paper in the trash can from where I am. I lay my head back down on the pillow, and hold his hand again.

"Anything important?" Ash mumbles

"Nope." I say and close my eyes again.


I wake up at 10:30 and start to get dressed and put on my usual stuff. I put on my pants and grab my shirt when Amber and Nate walk in, I quickly put on my shirt and my denim jacket.

"Woah, sorry El." Nate said

"You guys are fine." I say putting on my boots. "Amber, I'm going to meet up with Zander at a cafe I might be here around twelve." I grab my phone and slip it into my pocket. Ash sits up and I give him a kiss "bye babe." I say

"Bye El! Have fun!" Amber says I smile and leave taking my car and going to the cafe.


I sat down outside with a smoothie in my hand when Zander sat in front of me in a suit and tie.

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