Part 21: Stanford

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My alarm beeps and I wake up to Aniease hitting my cheek softly. I put food in her bowl and I do my make-up again and put in my contacts. I call Trisha while getting ready

"Hey Elena." She says

"I'm never going to get used to that." I say sighing

"Me too." She sighs along

"How'd it go with Mason?" I ask

"Well, he's sulking in his room right now." She chuckles and so do I. I put on my clothes and put my black and white converses on.

"That's surprising I thought he hates me." I say

"Yeah, well Lance says that he tried to make you hate him so it can be easier for you to let go." Trisha says and I can feel her going quotations on 'let go'

"Trisha, did you do quotations on let go?" I ask

"Maybe." She chuckles

"Ugh, I got to go and see my new dorm buddy. And did you know we have lockers still in college?" I say packing my only clothes in the bag

"Don't replace me with her." Trisha threatens

"Who can replace a pregnant, married woman to a gang member?" I ask "I got to go, I'll talk to you later. Bye!" I say

"Bye." She says quietly. I hang up and get into the car and start driving.


I get to Stanford at seven, I walk out and a girl immediately comes up to me

"Hi, are you the new girl?" She asks and I nod yes "okay, great! Follow me." She says "also bring your stuff."

"Um, I have a cat." I say she looks at me

"No biggy, just don't let it outside." She smiles

"Okay." I say and grab my things and Aniease in the cage.

"So, here's your dorm." She opens the door

"Where's my roommate?" I ask

"She's a bit of a big partier. She'll be here soon. Set your stuff down at that bed near the window." She says I walk in and let Aniease roam free

"Hey newbie!" I turn to see a black haired girl with green eyes and olive skin. "Oh sweet! You have a cat." She says and picks up Aniease "she's a munchkin, right?" She asks

"Yeah. Could you take care of her while this girl shows me around?" I ask and she nods.


After a couple of trips and places she shows me where my classes are we go back to my dorm.

"Thanks for showing me around." I say

"No problem." She says and leaves

"Hey, get ready for your first day of college!" The girl says

"What's your name?" I ask

"It's Amber, and you're Elena. You look like you're a fighter." She chuckles petting Aniease

"Oh." I say remembering my eye and lip. "It's nothing." I say

"What's her name?" Amber asks about Aniease

"Her name's Aniease." I say sitting on my bed and she comes to me. The burner cell rings and I look to see it's Trisha

"Damn are you ancient or something?" She asks and I chuckle

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