Part 13: Clubbing

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When Mason turns he wakes me up. He walks into the shower that's in the same room as the bed, I turn on the TV watching Family Guys new episodes

"Hey, Emma, I have to go to a night club for business. Do you want to come?" Mason asks

"Do you think it'll be safe?" I ask

"Everyone there is doing something illegal and won't snitch." He said

"Sure." I say "maybe I could have fun?" I ask sitting up

"Like?" He asks

"Maybe a little bit of drinking and dancing?" I urge "please."

"Fine." He said "I only say fine because of that face of yours." He sighs

"Yay!" I say getting up. I grab clothes for today to put on "what are we doing today?" I ask putting on adidas sweater

"I don't know?" Mason said "maybe we could talk?"

"About what?" I ask

"Exactly! We can talk about what I want to talk about." He said "maybe at lunch, like a date." He quickly says

"Sure." I say

"A date!?" He asks surprised

"Why not?" I start to curl my hair making it wavy

"Great, I'll be back I have to tell Lance. Reception is bad." Mason left I lay on the bed and keep watching Family Guy, I put on my shoes from yesterday and get up going downstairs. There was a noise as I walked down the stairs

"Mason, is that you?" I say but get no response, everything was so quiet. I make it down stairs to see no one, I look in the kitchen when Mason comes through the door

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" Mason asked

"Nothing." I say

"Okay, lets go." He says holding his hand out, I hesitantly take his hand and we walk to his car.


We sit outside of the restaurant and I have my sunglasses on

"Are you going to eat this time?" He asks

"Sure." I say. We order food and he starts to talk

"Emma, I want to start things over with us." He said, I start to sip from my straw drinking the cold water

"I don't understand."

"Look, these last two months have not been good and now I want to make up for it."  He takes my hand

"Mason, the only reason you care for me is because I look like Grace." I take my hand back looking down at my drink "you say you care for me but I know you just see her in me."

"But I don't." He tries to convince me I chuckle

"You see her in me as much as I see Blake." He inhales

"Please, just give me a chance." He said

"For what? Being your girlfriend?" I chuckle and he looks at me seriously "Oh!" I say "oh." I look at my water

"What do you say? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. The waiter gives us our food and leaves

"Uh, I don't know?" I say questionable "we've done terrible things to each other, mostly you to me." I say

"But it won't happen ever again." I take a bite of my salad

"Why?" I ask looking at him, bluntly

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