Part 17: Everyone Leaves

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"Emma, I have to go." Mason wales me up. I move slightly and Jazz starts to lick my face

"What time is it?" I ask

"It's twelve o' clock." He says tying his black tie "I have a meeting and Lance is coming." He said putting on his shoes "Dave's going to watch over you, I don't want you to drink alcohol today." He said

"What!?" I yell "why not?" I ask sitting up petting the animals

"Because I said so. Now get dressed and have something to eat, you didn't eat much yesterday." He said leaving. I get up and the animals follow me, I put food and drinks in their bowls and get dressed.

I play with them for awhile throwing a toy for the dog and shaking string in front of the cat. There was a knock on the door and Dave came in

"Hey." He said sitting next to me

"Do you really have to babysit me? I'm perfectly capable to not drink on my own." I say he looks at me

"We both just care for you." He said and I scoff

"Mason only cares if I look like Grace or not still." I say

"It happened again. Didn't it?" He asked

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say playing with Aniease and Jazz.

"Come on Emma. I know that you know what I'm talking about." He said

"Fine, Dave! I do." I say "but I don't care because everybody leaves." I say "this," I put my hands up pointing around the room "this isn't going to be forever."

"But, you have to embrace what happens and make the best of it." He said

"How can I when I'm stuck in here?" I say petting Aniease

"Just make the best of what happens." He said leaning in closer

"Dave," I start but he immediately kisses me, and gets on top of me forcefully "Dave stop!" I pushed him off of me. Trisha comes in and stares at both of us

"Dave leave, I can handle her." Trisha said and Dave leaves. "What happened?" She asks

"Nothing." I say pulling down my shirt

"Lance was going to come with me for my second ultra sound but since he's not here. Could you come with me?" She asks, I look down

"Okay." I say "let me just take Jazz out to go potty." I say grabbing Jazz and putting her leash on. We walk around the garden and stop

"The doc says my stomach won't show until I'm seven months in." She said

"Oh." I says grabbing Jazz and we go back in. We walk to the docs place and go inside to see he's got everything set up.

"Where's Lance?" He asks, its a different doctor

"He has a meeting." Trisha said laying down on a table

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