Part 31: Colorado?

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I woke up to Ash's alarm waking me up at six. I sit up and go into the kitchen, putting my hair in a messy bun, as he starts to take a shower. I yawn as I crack an egg in the pan, my phone rand showing it was Zander.

"Hello?" I answered

"Hey, Elena! Another customer." He says going to straight to business "meet us At twelve o' clock at the regular place."

"Yes Zander." I yawn and hand up mixing the eggs. I start to make coffee and tea for me. Ash wraps his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Work?" He asks and I nod putting the eggs on a plate and handing the to ash while I fix myself toast. I turn and face Ash, leaning on the counter and setting the tea mug down, ash smiles and with his hands push back the extra hair that has fallen and kisses me gently.

"Are you still in highway patrol?" I ask Ash.

"Yeah, but the sheriff wants to talk with me." He says

"Do you think it's bad?" I take a bite of toast

"I hope not." He say sipping his coffee.

"You should get going." I recommend looking at the time and so does he.

"I will, love you." He gives me a long kiss and then leaves. I sigh and lean against the counter.

I feed Aniease and turn on the shower. I take off my clothes and step into the hit shower. The little water droplets pelt on my back and spine, I close my eyes enjoying the water.


I get out of the shower and dry off putting on just a shirt and underwear, like always. I lay on the bed and flip to a channel I like that always comes on at eight o' clock. I set an alarm for ten and ten thirty closing my eyes, and letting sleep compel my body.


I walk into the sheriff's office before knocking.

"Officer Ash Donavan!" The sheriff says sitting in his chair and I sit in front of him.

"Yes sir." I say smiling

"I know you are new at all of this, but what if I were to give you a promotion?" Sheriff asked

"What kind of promotion?" I worriedly pondered

"Colorado." He opens up paper work "they are lacking officers and need some of our men. We have too many cops and I thought I would be considerate and give them some of our men." He smiles

"Sheriff, I have a fiancée that has her career set up, here." I explain to him

"Talk with her." He exclaims "maybe she would like the new view?" He shrugs his shoulders

"I will Sheriff." I stand up and put my hat on leaving his office.


I hesitantly turn off my alarm and drag myself out from under the soft blankets and memory-foam bed. I take off my shirt and slide on my bra, put on a shirt, and jeans. I do my make-up and put my hair into a messy ponytail, I get into my car and start to drive to our regular place.


I walk up to Zander and he gives me a hug and kisses the sides of my cheeks, we sit down and have a little small talk when a woman came up to us.

"Hello." She strictly said like a butch and I got up

"Hello, ma'am." Said me and Zander, at the same time. She smiles slightly and takes a seat.

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