Part 19: Plans

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I woke up with the light shining on my face. I get up still in my dress, I feed Aniease and Jazz

"Here." Mason comes in and hands me clothes

"I'm not wearing this!" I say looking at the outfit

"Why not?" He asks

"It will make me look like a whore." I say throwing it on the bed

"Fine. Either you wear that or parade around here with your bra and underwear on." Mason smirks, I grunt and take the clothes, he leaves. I go into the bathroom and look at my cut on my cheek bone and a cut on my lip. I put on the clothes walking out and putting on my high top converses

"Emma, may I come in?" I hear Trisha say

"Yeah." The door opens and she comes in.

"Me and Lance want to take you out for lunch since it's 12 o' clock." She takes my hand and puts a piece of paper in my hand "I'll see you later." She said leaving. I open the paper seeing in her handwriting

'We have a plan.' I crumble it up and stick it in the sink making it go down.

"What are you doing?" Mason asks

"I was just-" he wouldn't let me finish

"I don't care." He says

"I know." I say quietly and look back down the sink to see it was gone

"Come here." Mason says

"I'm fine right here." I say. He steps closely to me and I turn around to try and push him to make space. He grabs my wrists and looks in my eyes, pain and sadness were in them "stop fucking around Mason." I said trying to get my hands back but he wouldn't let go "Mason let go." I say he puts me on the sink and kisses me roughly, I love my face so he starts to kiss my jaw "get off of me!" I yell pushing him off and leaving.

I walk downstairs to see Dave in the kitchen. I sit next to him on the breakfast bar, I feel him looking at me

"You look like you've been to hell and back." He says and I chuckle

"You have no fucking idea." I say. He hands me a beer and we clank them "to hell and back." I say silently and chug down the beer.

"To hell and back." He repeats and chugs his down. I lean my head on his shoulder and we both keep drinking the beer. I walk outside seeing Tim

"Tim!" I yell and run up to him

"Hey Emma." He says smiling

"Is Sophia going to visit today?" I ask

"She's right there, near the gladiolus flowers." He says, I turn and see me in her.

"I'm going to be with her, if you don't mind?" I ask and he nods no "hey Sophia!" She turns and looks at me, her eyes wide

"Emma!" She says. I pick her up and she hugs me

"How have you been?" I ask setting her down

"I'm great!" She says turning back to the flowers

"Those are beautiful." I say she smiles touching one of them

"Daddy said it means strength and integrity." She smiles brightly just like how I did

"Daddy's right." I say.

"How did you hurt your lip and face." Sophia asks touching my lip. I flinch and she gets scared

"I had to fight a bad guy." I said

"Tell me all about it!" She gets excited and lays down in the grass so I lay next to her

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