The elevator game.

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It was a Halloween night, your friends had dared you to play the infamous 'Elevator to the other world' game. This game was a little more complex than usual games but your friends had gone over the rules with you multiple times. A hotel near by you glowed with lights, and you were the first one to go. Luckily this gigantic hotel had more than ten stories.

Your friend had stopped in front of the hotel, her eyes held uncertainty in it. "Guys, I'm not sure we should be doing things like this. I mean it is Halloween night. "

"Oh come on," You sighed. She was always so worried about little things. It bothered you and annoyed you at the same time. "It's just a stupid game, probably not even real."

You dismissed both of them and stepped into the hotel room. The cold air hit you like a brick wall. The elevator was just a couple feet away, your fate awaits.

426105. Those were the orders of floors you must pass. Another possibility of the game was during the tenth floor a women will step in the elevator with you, no matter what you must not talk or even acknowledge her in anyway. Eyes down, mouth shut.

You hit the number four button. The elevator started to move upwards, your feet could feel the weird tension under you. The elevator made a small dinging noise and opened. No one.

Then you hit the second floor, like usual the elevator moved once again. You started to feel slightly nervous by the silence in the atmosphere. The door opened, and once again no one appeared.

You pressed on the sixth button. The atmosphere had grown more heavy as if someone was pressing onto your chest. As if you could barely breathe. Nobody appeared once again.

Hesitantly you pressed the tenth button. The thought of the women washed over you. Don't be silly, no ones here it's almost three a.m. You thought to yourself. But once the door opened your head dropped to the ground. The sound of small steps hit your eardrums as if they were an explosion, the feeling of fear took over and panic bubbled inside your chest.

Last button to press was the fifth, the fifth button was supposed to bring you to the otherworld. To know if you were in the other world no electricity would be running so everything would've been dark and a bright Red Cross was in sight too. The elevator stopped harshly leaving you retrieving your balance. The two doors slid open, leaving you in awe. Everything was completely dark, the only light that was seen was the moon in the distance.

You wanted to see more. Your feet collided with the floor again as you walked outside the elevator.

"Where are you going?" The women asked.

You lost control and looked at her, both your eyes locked onto each other. Terror filled you once again. Her eyes were pure white and completely lifeless, she had normal attire on and her hair was mousy dark brown. The only aspect that truly scared me was her eyes, but an eerie feeling came with looking at her. The elevator doors shut before anything else could happen. You felt relieved but also scared because you were now in the "other world".

The hotel that was once alive with light and smiling people was now gone, replaced with pure darkness and a eerie feeling of dread. You walked slowly, counting each step you took to ease your nerves. A wide window across from you caught your eye, the giant Red Cross was glowing into the distance.

You ran toward the elevator, for sure this was the right elevator. You just knew it. The elevator was empty like usual and you violently clicked the first button. You panic and your heart starts to race wildly. Then the elevator door closes and lurches up lightly. You feel utter relief, and wait patiently to be back in the real world. Your world.

Finally after what feels like years of waiting the elevator doors slide open.

You had told all your friends your insane experience all from the women with blank eyes to the dark other world. Of course they didn't think much of it, that you were trying to scare them or just saw things.

All you cared about was getting home and having a good nights rest. As you finally arrived in front of your house a feeling of panic and eeriness washed over you, just like it did in the hotel...You ignored it, your heavy eyelids and fatigue bones said otherwise. The bed waited for you and you collapsed on it happily.

"You're mine now..." a voice screeched into your ear.

Then it was pitch black.

Spooky stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora