Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One)

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Lovers at Heart is a steamy contemporary romance with alpha male heroes and sexy, empowered women. They're flawed, funny, passionate, and very relatable for readers who enjoy adult romance, contemporary romance, and women's fiction.  

The LOVE IN BLOOM series is available on all retailers and includes over 20 books. Families from each series appear in future family books (Snow Sisters, The Bradens, The Remingtons, Seaside Summers and coming soon...The Ryders and Harborside Nights). 

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Handsome, wealthy resort owner Treat Braden is used to getting what he wants. When Max Armstrong walked into his life six months earlier, he saw right through the efficient and capable façade she wore like a shield, to the sweet, sensual woman who lay beneath. She sparked an unfamiliar desire in him for more than a one-night stand, leaving his heart reeling and his blood boiling. But one mistake caused her to turn away, and now, after six months of longing for the one woman he cannot have, he's going home to try to forget her all together.

Max Armstrong has a successful career, a comfortable lifestyle, and she's never needed a man to help her find her way--until Treat Braden caught her attention at a wedding in Nassau, causing a surge of emotions too reminiscent of the painful past she'd spent years trying to forget. Max will do anything to avoid reliving that pain--including forgoing her toe-curling, heart-pounding desire for Treat.

When a chance encounter turns into a night of intense passion, Treat realizes that the mistake he made six months earlier may cause him to lose Max completely. He will do everything within his power to win her heart forever--and Max is forced to face her hurtful past head on for the man she cannot help but love.   **     LOVERS AT HEART is the first book in The Bradens and the fourth book in the Love in Bloom series (Snow Sisters, The Bradens & The Remingtons), and . While Lovers at Heart can be read as a stand-alone novel, for even more reading enjoyment you may want to read the LOVE IN BLOOM series in series order

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now