Chapter Twenty-Five, Lovers at Heart

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Chapter Twenty-Five

TREAT WAS RIGHT. The streets of Wellfleet appeared deserted compared to the day before. After picking up her rental car and dropping it off at the bungalow, they headed back into town. They walked hand in hand through the shops, and Max picked out toys for Trevor and Lexi at Abiyoyo. It had been so long since she’d held a man’s hand that she found herself studying the way her hand fit snugly into his. His palm engulfed hers. When he found a scarf that he said set off her eyes, he squeezed her hand like it was the most natural reaction in the world, and Max relished in those little things between them that confirmed that somehow, overnight, they’d become a couple.

They walked around the corner and had lunch at a little restaurant called the Juice, where they shared a bowl of New England Clam Chowder and a sandwich. Max felt her heart opening to him even more than it already had. The simple act of sharing another meal together felt natural—like they’d been doing it forever—and new, all at the same time. Treat didn’t rush her through the meal, or make her feel hurried as they meandered through an entire street of art galleries. He showed her pieces he loved and took interest in the ones that she swooned over.

When they reached the end of the row of galleries, a little fear tiptoed through Max. They hadn’t had enough time together yet. Would there ever be enough time? She didn’t want to go back to real life. She didn’t even know where or what he called home.

“Sweetness, I have a great idea.” Treat took both of her hands in his. The excitement in his eyes made her smile. “If you’re not too tired, I’d love to go to Provincetown, grab some dinner, and maybe see a show? Or we could just go back to the bungalow and watch a movie and relax. Whatever you want.”

I have to know. “Treat.”

“Oh, no. What’s that look? Did I assume too much? Did you want to find a hotel and have some alone time?” He rubbed his hand along his forehead. “I’m an idiot. I didn’t even take into consideration when you might have to be back at work.”

She laughed at his dramatic flair. He was always so calm, and she’d clearly rattled him. “No. I’m just curious. Where do you live?”

He laughed, a deep, hearty laugh that turned her heart to mush.

“Live, live? Like, where do I keep all my stuff?”

“Yeah. You know. Where do you call home?”

He took her face in his hands and said, “It doesn’t matter, because the moment you tell me it’s okay, my home will be wherever you are.” He kissed her, and the sheer delight of it brought her to her toes. His silky lips on hers, the way he smelled musky and sweet all at once, everything about him made her crave his touch.

When they finally pulled apart, she said, “Wow.”


“I just love to kiss you.”

He put his hands on her waist, and she could see in his eyes that he was thinking the same thing she was—that it would be so great to make out, right there on the street. Just to throw her arms around his neck and have him lift her up into his arms so she could wrap her legs around him and they could just kiss each other senseless. Oh, wait. Maybe he isn’t thinking that. Why was he covering his mouth and looking away?

“Did I say something wrong?” Max asked tentatively.

He shook his head. “No. You just had my mind racing in ways that it shouldn’t be.” He looked down, and the problem was evident by the tent in his pants.

She couldn’t hide her laugh.

“You’re laughing? You’re laughing at this? This is not good, Max. I’m not a twenty-something kid. I’m a grown man. I should be able to kiss you without the world knowing that I can barely think past wanting to”—he lowered his voice to a whisper— “be inside of you.”

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora