Chapter Ten, Lovers at Heart

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TREAT HADN’T EATEN all day. He wasn’t surprised when Max refused to see him, but he wasn’t going to give up on them that easily. If nothing else, if she wouldn’t let him into her life, then at least she could let him really talk with her about his feelings and allow him to try and explain himself more effectively.

He hoped the cake might sweeten her up just a little and bring that thick wall she’d erected between them down just long enough for her to listen, and to understand, even if only a little, to what he had to say. After talking with his father today, Treat was even more convinced that what he was feeling for Max was far bigger than like and was bordering on the one thing he’d tried to avoid his whole life.

When he wasn’t trying to figure out how to make her listen, he was telling himself that it was okay to get close to her. That if he fell for her, she wouldn’t die like his mother had. But even as he repeatedly tried to convince himself that the fear was unfounded, he never really quite believed it.

After all but the last two cars pulled out of the parking lot and the interior festival lights went dark, Treat waited in the cover of night for the back gates to open one last time.

His pulse raced when he saw her walking beneath the glow of the lighted gate beside Chaz. Her shoulders were rounded forward, as though they were too heavy for her sexy little frame to support. Treat had the urge to run and swoop her into his arms, for her head to rest against his chest while he held her, safe and warm. Chaz carried the enormous cake box that Treat had sent, and when Chaz went to his car without giving the cake back to Max, his gut clenched.

Treat went to Max’s driver's side door and knocked on the window, startling her into a scream.

Seconds later, Chaz was running for him. Treat held his hands up. “Chaz, it’s me, Treat. I didn’t mean to startle her.”

“Treat? What are you...”

He watched understanding dawn on Chaz, while embarrassment consumed Max and caused her to cover her face with her hands.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I just wanted to talk to Max, and I didn’t want to interrupt her at work,” Treat explained.

Chaz looked at Max. “Max?”

“It’s fine,” she answered.

Chaz turned his back and leaned closer to Treat. “The cake? Impressive. Kaylie asked me to get Max to leave early for you. I tried, but you know Max.”

I hope to get to know her even better.

“Thank you. Sorry I had Kaylie try to get her outside for a bit,” Treat said, though he wasn’t really sorry.

Chaz nodded. “Pretty damned romantic. You realize you’re setting the bar pretty high for us normal guys, right?”

Treat smiled. He watched Chaz drive away, and a minute later, Max got out of her car. “You scared the crap out of me,” she said.

“I know. I wasn’t thinking.”

She crossed her arms, and he couldn’t help but smile at the way she was so obviously steeling herself against him. Chinking that wall into place.

“Do you have my purse?” Her clipped words and crossed arms contrasted sharply against the hurt in her eyes.

“I do,” he said.

When he didn’t move, she said, “Well? Can I have it?”

“Oh, yeah, of course.” How could he have forgotten? He retrieved the purse, and as she climbed back into her car, Treat gently touched her arm. “Max, all I want to do is talk. Nothing else. Please. I think I owe you that much.”

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now