Chapter Sixteen, Lovers at Heart

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SCARLET’S CALL came in the next afternoon. “Max, how is my favorite wedding planner?”

“Hi, Scarlet. I hate to bother you, but I was wondering if you might know where I can reach Treat.”

“We don’t expect him back in Nassau for a few weeks.” Scarlet went on to explain that Treat’s underlings handled any issues that arose when he wasn't on site.

“I need to speak with him. Would you mind giving me his cell phone number?”

Scarlet was silent for a beat too long.

“Scarlet, he was here in Colorado. I just saw him last night and he asked me to call him. I can’t seem to find his number, though.” She hated to lie, but she wanted that damned number. Scarlet finally relented after a friendly little plea from Max. Max thanked her profusely before saying goodbye.

Now that Max had it in her hot little hands, she was too scared to use it.

When the phone rang two minutes later, Max’s heart nearly leapt from her chest.

“Hi, Kaylie.” She heard the disappointment in her own voice.

“Hey, you okay? You sound down.”

“Yeah, fine. What’s up?”

“I thought you might want to catch up over lunch today.”

Max clenched the paper with Treat’s number on it in her fist. She felt paralyzed by his disappearance and weak for being one of those girls who pined after men. Was she falling right back into the situation she’d sworn she’d never get into again? Was she overlooking red flags that were practically slapping her in the face? Meeting Kaylie for lunch would surely be better than sitting around dissecting her own thoughts.


“Yes, sure.” I’ve gotta get out of my own head.

“Great! See you at Felby’s at noon.”

KAYLIE WAVED from a table near the bar, looking gorgeous as ever in her skinny jeans and off-the-shoulder sweater.

“How come you always look like you’ve just stepped out of a fashion shoot?” Max asked as she slid into the booth.

Kaylie feigned primping her hair. “Comes naturally, I guess.”

They laughed. Max watched the people at the neighboring tables smiling and talking, a little laughter sifting into the air. She let out a sigh, glad to be out of her apartment, where the memory of Treat followed her like a ghost. It was easy to wallow in sadness and confusion when she had no one but her broken heart as a sounding board.

“I ordered us drinks and salads. I hope that’s okay,” Kaylie said.

“Sure, whatever. You know I don’t care. How’re Trevor and Lexi? Chaz said they loved the cake.”

“Who wouldn’t love cake for breakfast? I’m such a bad mom.” Kaylie was one of the best moms that Max knew. She spoiled her kids with love and attention rather than gifts, even though they were wealthy enough to buy anything on the planet.

Max listened to Kaylie, but her mind was on the chocolate cake, which brought her back to Treat. She stared at their little booth, and dinner with Treat the evening before came rushing back. Max suddenly, desperately, longed for him.

“What’s going on with you? You look like you just lost your best friend, which is really silly because I’m sitting right here with you.”

Kaylie had a way of making Max smile. “Ha-ha,” Max said with a smirk.

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now