Chapter Thirty-Seven, Lovers at Heart

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Chapter Thirty-Seven

MAX SURVEYED HERSELF in the mirror one last time. Her hair was shiny and full. The skinny leather pants she wore might not be perfect for showing up at a ranch, but they were close. Aren’t chaps leather? Although the knee-high, leather stiletto boots were definitely not appropriate. Perfect. She wanted Treat to stand up and take notice. She’d asked him to do one thing—one thing—and he didn’t do it, and she’d be damned if she’d let that go. Even if she was the one who’d walked away.

She turned to the side to inspect her silhouette. Kaylie was right about the push-up bra. Who knew her boobs could look so perky? Or that a bra could make her torso look longer, slimmer? Wow, she could actually pull off hot.

Max tried her best to remain upright on the heels, and as she reached for the doorknob, her confidence began to fade. I look ridiculous. He loves how I look no matter what I wear. What am I doing? What was her goal? Treat. Treat was her goal, and she’d leave nothing to chance this time.

She opened the bedroom door and a bright flash sent her reeling backward as Kaylie snapped a picture. “What the hell?” She’d been so wrapped up in getting ready that she’d forgotten Kaylie was waiting for her.

“I couldn’t help it!” Kaylie squealed. “I wanted to come in so badly, but I knew you would never let me dress you after letting me pick out all your clothes.” Kaylie’s eyes grew wide. “Oh my God, Max, you are sinful! Look at you. Not that you need to look like this, but wow. No man could ever turn you away looking like that.”

She had to smile at Kaylie’s supportive, overly enthusiastic comment. “Can I please just carry you on my shoulder? I’m so nervous. What if he’s decided that I’m not worth it. I mean, I did just break up with him in not the nicest of ways.”

“Max, one question. Take a deep breath, because this is really, really important.”

Max did as she was asked and blew her breath out slowly. “Okay, what?”

“Are you one hundred percent sure that you want a guy who didn’t come begging you to come back to him?”

“Why are you doing this to me?” Max asked, lowering herself to the couch. “Am I making a mistake?”

“I just gotta ask. I love you so much, and I can’t see you get your heart broken again.”

“I did tell him to love me through my insecurities. Why didn’t he?” It’s the only thing I ever asked of him.

Kaylie sat next to her and took her hand. “I’m not saying he didn’t. He’s respecting what you asked him to do. I just want you to think about him. All of him. What you like, what you don’t like, what might be real and what might be fantasy.”

Max chewed on her worries. Was she making a mistake? “I left him no choice, Kaylie. I told him I was done. I didn’t really expect him to chase after me.” She tried to remember what she’d written in her rushed note. “When I left, I didn’t want him to, or at least that’s what I thought. My whole life I believed that compromising to make a relationship work would lead to resentment.”

“Are you insane? All of marriage is compromise. Who’s living where? Who’s watching the kids so one of us can do something else? Who’s on top? Who gets to come fir—”

“Kaylie! I’m trying to be serious,” Max huffed.

“I know. If that’s really what was driving you to tell that gorgeous man not to follow you, then yeah, you really messed up. Just as long as you don’t have any reservations about his love for you.”

Max’s cheeks warmed. She put her hand over her heart and said, “He’d give up anything for me, and I’ll be lucky if he takes me back so that I can show him I’d do the same for him.”

“Jesus. I hope I was never that swoony-eyed over Chaz. Okay, go. I’ll lock up for you, but I want to use your bathroom first.” She looked into Max’s room. “I’ll even unexplode your closet for you.”

Max kissed her on the cheek. “You’re the best.” On her way out the door, she stopped and turned back. “Thanks for asking me if I was sure. I’ve never really had a friend like you before.”

“Yeah, I’m the best,” Kaylie said with a toss of her hair. “Now get out of here.”

Max ran down the stairs in her stiletto heels like she’d been running in them all her life. Her mind wrapped itself around one singular thought—reaching Treat.

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now