Chapter Thirty-Six, Lovers at Heart

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Chapter Thirty-Six

SURROUNDED BY HIS FAMILY, Treat was beginning to see his life a little more clearly. Yes, he was successful—more than successful. He’d started with one resort and now owned twenty-seven, each one more successful than the last. Of course his father was proud. But there was also no doubt in his mind that he’d done it to escape his guilt. If it were not for Max, he might never have dealt with what had been hanging over his head for too many years.

Max hadn’t returned his calls. Each hour that passed was like a slow, torturous draw of his fingernails from his nail beds.

“Dude, you gotta stop moping,” Dane said as he patted Treat on the back.

“Moping? Pfft. I’m fine. Just worried about Dad,” he lied. They’d had to wrestle their father back into submission more than a few times. The man was an ox and would probably outlive them all.

“Right. Like I can’t smell woman troubles a mile away.”

Treat shook his head, but he knew Dane could see right through his veil of denial. Hell, everyone probably could. You don’t find a woman like Max very often; she was smart, competent, loving, and sexier than she could ever know. There was something else that he couldn’t put his finger on, but he was pretty sure that it had to do with the fact that Max loved him—and yes, he was sure that beneath that feisty, stubborn exterior and her fears about relationships, she loved him—for him. Not for his money, or for what he stood for, or any of the other ridiculous reasons that beautiful women had clung to him over the years.

He carried apple cider out to the table, stopping when he caught sight of his father and Rex walking down by the barn. Rex had a pinched look on his face, and his father suddenly stopped walking and put his hand on Rex’s shoulder. Treat could practically feel that secure weight on his own flesh. He knew the look his father was giving Rex, and he would bet the discussion had something to do with him.

He’d better go face it head-on.

Savannah touched his arm before he could take two steps. “Leave them,” she said.

“I’m sure it’s about what I said last night.”

“No, it’s not. Let them be.”

Treat narrowed his eyes at his sister. “What don’t I know?”

Savannah took the apple cider from his hands and set it on the table, ignoring his question.

“Savannah?” He stared her down. He’d be damned if his little sister would tell him what to do.

“Leave it alone, Treat,” Hugh said as he approached from behind. He set plates and silverware on the table, then turned to Treat. “Rex seems tough, but he’s not as tough as you might think. He’s having a hard time with Dad’s health issues.”

Treat shot another glance at Rex, who was looking everywhere except at his father, while his father's stare never wavered.

“Why wouldn’t he tell me? We worked in the field for hours, side by side, and all he did was snap at me.”

Hugh shook his head.

“Would you tell you?” Josh asked. He brought the burgers to the table and motioned for everyone to sit down. “Think about it, Treat. He’s here every day, slaving to help keep the family business alive, and suddenly you sweep in and expect him to just accept it. Meanwhile, the one person he loves the most lands in the hospital. It’s a lot to deal with.”

I failed him again?  “So, what? I should have asked his permission to come back to my own father’s ranch and help out? I thought it was what he wanted all these years.”

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now