Chapter Four, Lovers at Heart

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Chapter Four

HAL BRADEN’S crowded driveway told Treat everything he needed to know. He stepped from the SUV as Savannah caught up to him. Savannah had peppered him with enough questions when they’d had coffee. He’d tried to downplay his feelings about Max and said she’d worked with Scarlet to help organize Blake’s wedding. He thought he’d seen a bit of disbelief in Savannah’s eyes, but if she didn’t trust his answers, she never let on. The last thing he needed was more questions—especially in front of his siblings.

“This was supposed to be a relaxing getaway, not a party,” Treat said as Savannah looped her arm around his.

“It’s not a party. Everyone’s schedule was clear, so we thought…”

Treat sighed at the thought of a busy weekend, but he was glad his brothers would be there. It would be good to see his family all in one place again. They each had built successful careers that had made them very wealthy—but kept them too busy for regular get-togethers.

The smell of home wrapped itself around Treat like a warm embrace: fresh-cut wood, steak on the grill, and too much testosterone for one household filled the entry foyer.

“There’s my boy.” Hal stood from his favorite leather recliner and hugged Treat. The two men stood eye to eye. Hal’s lush black hair was now layered with thick patches of gray around his temples.


“Son. It’s good to see you.” His father gave him a pat on the back as he moved to hug Savannah. “Sweetie, did you have a nice afternoon with your big brother?”

“Yeah. I always do.”

The way Savannah’s eyes lit up when they walked out to the backyard to greet their brothers told Treat of her adoration for each of them. He hoped that never changed, but had Savannah known how he’d treated Max at the resort, that adoration would have withered away quickly. The thought shamed him.

Rex was the third-eldest brother in the family and the first to reach him when he arrived. He hesitated for just a second before saying, “Treat, glad to have you back, man.” Rex worked on the ranch with his father, and his muscular physique was proof of the hard physical labor he endured. Like their brother Dane, who spent his days trying to save the lives of sharks, Rex sported a year-round tan.

“How’s he holding up?” Treat lifted his eyes to his father. His father was sixty-five years old and still strong as an ox, but that didn’t keep Treat from worrying about him. He worried about them all, but since his mother died when he was eleven—an age when every kid believes their parents will live forever—he counted every day with his father as a blessing.

“He’s good.” Rex put his arm around Treat and walked him away from Dane, who was hovering close by. “You okay?” Treat was close to all of his siblings, but each relationship was different. Rex was three years Treat’s junior, and as such, the competitiveness Treat felt with Dane, who was just a year and a half younger, had never been present in his relationship with Rex. Although he and Rex often confided in each other when it came to personal matters, Rex carried a chip on his shoulder about the family business.

“Yeah. I needed a break. Got a little burnt out.” Treat watched Rex narrow his eyes. He knew his brother wasn’t buying his excuse, but he wasn’t ready to expose his feelings for Max just yet.

“Yeah? You sure?”

Treat nodded. “Of course. I’m fine. Really.”

“Can we have him back now, Rex?” Dane asked with a grin.

Rex feigned a punch to Dane’s gut as he walked past.

Dane embraced Treat. He was three inches shorter than Treat and every bit as dark and handsome, the only difference being Dane’s brown eyes always seemed to be dancing with optimism, while Treat’s often appeared more serious, contemplative. “You should have seen the girl I banged last night,” Dane whispered.

Lovers at Heart (The Bradens, Book One: Love in Bloom Series)Where stories live. Discover now